
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Tuesday 30 October 2012

LUNG MERIDIAN (Meridians 12 of 14)

Lung Meridian
Prime Minister
The Meridian of Humility

This represents the bronchi, the immune system, allergies and the skin.
·         Control respiration and vital energy
·         Help to repel invading evils
·         Transportation and distribution of nutrients and water, the secretion of sweat and the excretion of urine
·         Assist the Heart with the circulation of blood
·         Connected with the nose and the sense of smell
·         Control the skin (exterior of the body)
·         Sensitive to changes in the environment such wind, dampness and coldness
·         Responsible for Self-protection and Self-preservation
·         Sensitive to emotional feelings and turmoil, such as disappointment, sadness, grief, despair, anxiety, shame, and sorrow
·         Store Po – vitality, more associated with the physical side of concentration
·         Associated with communication problems
·         Health of the Lungs is seen on the skin and in the body hair
·         The Lung Meridian begins at the Triple Burner near the navel, runs inside the chest, and surfaces in front of the shoulder. Here it branches out from the armpits to run down the medial aspect of the upper arms and crosses at the crease of the elbows. It continues until it splits into two more branches, one flowing to the tips of the thumbs and the other to the ends of the index fingers. One branch runs from the chest to the large intestine.
Acupuncture points in the Lung Meridian are indicated for throat, chest and lung ailments and for other symptoms that are presented along the meridian’s pathway.

KIDNEY MERIDIAN (Meridians 11 of 14)

Kidney Meridian
Minister of Power
The Meridian of Sexual Confidence
Root of Life

Includes the adrenal glands – These glands sit like hats on top of the kidneys and secrete a wide range of essential hormones that regulate metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility
Also includes what the Chinese call the ‘external kidneys’: the gonads – Control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body’s prime source of sexual vitality
·         Maintains and Processes body fluids – send “clear fluid”, which circulates through the organs and tissues upwards & send “turbid fluid”, which is transformed into sweat and urine downward
·         Coordinate respiration with the Lungs – especially during inhalation
·         Control the bones of the entire body and the development of bone marrow that spreads along the spinal cord to the brain
·         Rules the bones, teeth, and adrenal glands
·         Responsible for the muscles as well as for the connective tissue
·         Regulate the body’s acid-alkaline balance (pH)
·         Control short-term memory and store data
·         Provide the capacity and drive for strength, skill and hard work
·         Residence of yin and yang
·         Seat of courage and willpower
·         Store Jing – vital essence that affects energy and the aging processes
·         Sensitive to chronic fear, especially when cause is not addressed
·         Associated with wilfulness and stubbornness
·         Health of the Kidneys are seen in the head hair and reflected in the ears (sense of hearing)
The Kidney Meridian initiates between the long bones of the second and third toes, near the sole of the foot. It travels the inside of the leg, entering the body near the base of the spine. At the kidneys, it splits into two branches. These pass through the chest and intersect at the Pericardium meridian and from there, journey to the base of the tongue. (A small branch divides at the lungs to link with the heart and the pericardium.)
Acupuncture points in this meridian are used for gynaecological, genital, kidney, lung, and pharynx (throat) diseases. They are also indicated for symptoms associated with the pathway of the meridian.

Monday 29 October 2012


Urinary Bladder Meridian
Minister of the Reservoir
The Meridian of Peace and Harmony
Urinary Bladder

·         Paired with the Kidney
·         Represents the entire pelvic area including prostate, uterus, testicles and ovaries and therefore also the sexuality.
·         Stores and Discharges turbid materials away from the body
·         Related to the functions and balance of the autonomous nervous system
·         Associated with resisting change, basic negative attitude
·         Health of the Urinary Bladder is reflected in the urinary activity
The Urinary Bladder Meridian begins its journey at the inside edge of each eye and travels over the top of the head (where it visits the brain) to the back of the neck. Here it splits into two parts. One (the inner branch) travels into the base of the neck and moves down, parallel with the spine. At the bottom, it reaches into the bladder. The other moves across the back of the shoulder and then runs downward alongside the inner branch. The two branches move through the buttocks and join at the knees. Each meridian now continues down the back of the lower leg, circles the outer ankle, and finally ends at the tip of the little toe, where it connects with (but is not the start of) the Kidney Meridian.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for diseases in the head, neck, eyes, back, groin and lower limbs as well as certain and mental illnesses. They are also recommended for symptoms along the meridian pathway.


A mistake is evidence that someone tried.

Sunday 28 October 2012


Small Intestine Meridian
Minister of Reception
The Meridian of Joy
Small Intestine

·         Paired with the Heart
·         Related to the sinuses
·         Receives and Contains Water and Food – absorbs pure part and distributes to entire body & impure part goes to Large Intestine
·         Separates the pure from the impure, including foods, fluids, thoughts, and beliefs
·         Controls the more basic emotions
·         Influences mental clarity, judgment, and powers of discernment
·         Associated with digesting emotional and mental demands and pressures
The Small Intestine Meridian begins in the outside tip of the little finger and goes up the arm to the back of the shoulder. At the intersection of the Bladder Meridian, it diverges into two branches. One branch moves internally through the heart and stomach to settle in the small intestine. The other branch travels externally around the cheeks on the face, passing through the eye and ear. A short branch off the cheek links the meridian to the inner corner of the eye, where it connects with the Bladder Meridian.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for diseases of the head, neck, ear, eyes and pharynx (throat), as well as certain febrile conditions and mental illnesses. These acupuncture points are also recommended for symptoms associated with the meridian’s pathway.

Saturday 27 October 2012


I am always safe, under the guidance of
 God and I choose to live in health and freedom.

HEART MERIDIAN (Meridians 8 of 14)

Heart Meridian
King of the Organs
The Meridian of Forgiveness

The Emperor
·         Rules all of the Zang-Fu organs
·         Governs the blood circulation and distribution
·         Commands all of the organs and viscera
·         Dominates sleep
·         Controls all life processes associated with the soul and emotions
·         Controls mental activities such as processing, perception and mental health
·         Stores Shen – the body’s spirit
·         Sensitive to over-exuberance, over-excitement, agitation, panic and sudden fear
·         Associated with long-term memory, thinking, emotions, intimacy, cognition, intelligence, and ideas
·         Health of Heart is seen in the complexion and tongue and reflected in the taste buds
The Heart Meridian starts in the heart and consists of three branches. One goes to the small intestine. Another runs upward past the tongue toward the eyes. The third branch crosses the chest to travel down the arm, ending at the inside top of the little finger, where it connects with the Small Intestine Meridian.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for heart, chest and mental problems. They are also indicated for symptoms along the meridian.

Friday 26 October 2012


I hear what you are saying and I know your advice is valid.

SPLEEN MERIDIAN (Meridians 7 of 14)

Spleen Meridian
Minister of the Granary
The Meridian of Confidence
In Chinese medicine, the function of the Spleen organ-energy system includes the Pancreas.

·         Provide digestive enzymes and energy
·         Controls extraction and assimilation of nutrients from food and fluids
·         Represents the composition of the blood and the lymphatic fluid as well as their toxin and waste loads, particularly waste in form of proteins
·         Keeps blood in the vessels
·         Coordinate with the kidneys to control fluid balance throughout the system
·         Controls muscle development – responsible for building strong limbs and well-developed muscles
·         Controls the limbs and flesh
·         Linked to the mouth and appetite
·         Nurturing qualities
·         Responsible for analytical thinking, memory, cognition, intelligence, and ideas.
·         Stores Yi – intention, willpower, determination, or an awareness of the possibilities that are open to us to make changes in our lives
·         Sensitive to pensiveness, worry, or over-thinking – dwelling too much on a particular problem, or concentrating too hard for too long
·         Associated with pondering over problems, obsession with thoughts
·         Health of Spleen is seen in the lips and is reflected by the tone and condition of muscle tissue
The Spleen Meridian starts at the big toe and moves along the inside of the foot, crossing at the inner ankle. It then continues to climb until it ends at the armpit. One branch leaves the abdomen and runs inside the body to the spleen, linking with the stomach and the heart.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for peptic, gynecological and genital diseases. They are also indicated for symptoms along the meridian.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Old Cherokee Tale of Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’
The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’
This is such a lovely story: so simple and yet so true. I think each and every one of us has these two wolves running around inside us. The Evil wolf or the Good Wolf is fed daily by the choices we make with our thoughts. What you think about and dwell upon will in a sense appear in your life and influence your behavior.
We have a choice, feed the Good Wolf and it will show up in our character, habits and behavior positively. Or feed the Evil Wolf and our whole world will turn negative: like poison, this will slowly eat away at our soul.
The crucial question is “Which are you feeding today”?