
Tuesday 30 October 2012

LUNG MERIDIAN (Meridians 12 of 14)

Lung Meridian
Prime Minister
The Meridian of Humility

This represents the bronchi, the immune system, allergies and the skin.
·         Control respiration and vital energy
·         Help to repel invading evils
·         Transportation and distribution of nutrients and water, the secretion of sweat and the excretion of urine
·         Assist the Heart with the circulation of blood
·         Connected with the nose and the sense of smell
·         Control the skin (exterior of the body)
·         Sensitive to changes in the environment such wind, dampness and coldness
·         Responsible for Self-protection and Self-preservation
·         Sensitive to emotional feelings and turmoil, such as disappointment, sadness, grief, despair, anxiety, shame, and sorrow
·         Store Po – vitality, more associated with the physical side of concentration
·         Associated with communication problems
·         Health of the Lungs is seen on the skin and in the body hair
·         The Lung Meridian begins at the Triple Burner near the navel, runs inside the chest, and surfaces in front of the shoulder. Here it branches out from the armpits to run down the medial aspect of the upper arms and crosses at the crease of the elbows. It continues until it splits into two more branches, one flowing to the tips of the thumbs and the other to the ends of the index fingers. One branch runs from the chest to the large intestine.
Acupuncture points in the Lung Meridian are indicated for throat, chest and lung ailments and for other symptoms that are presented along the meridian’s pathway.

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