
Sunday 28 October 2012


Small Intestine Meridian
Minister of Reception
The Meridian of Joy
Small Intestine

·         Paired with the Heart
·         Related to the sinuses
·         Receives and Contains Water and Food – absorbs pure part and distributes to entire body & impure part goes to Large Intestine
·         Separates the pure from the impure, including foods, fluids, thoughts, and beliefs
·         Controls the more basic emotions
·         Influences mental clarity, judgment, and powers of discernment
·         Associated with digesting emotional and mental demands and pressures
The Small Intestine Meridian begins in the outside tip of the little finger and goes up the arm to the back of the shoulder. At the intersection of the Bladder Meridian, it diverges into two branches. One branch moves internally through the heart and stomach to settle in the small intestine. The other branch travels externally around the cheeks on the face, passing through the eye and ear. A short branch off the cheek links the meridian to the inner corner of the eye, where it connects with the Bladder Meridian.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for diseases of the head, neck, ear, eyes and pharynx (throat), as well as certain febrile conditions and mental illnesses. These acupuncture points are also recommended for symptoms associated with the meridian’s pathway.

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