
Monday 29 October 2012


Urinary Bladder Meridian
Minister of the Reservoir
The Meridian of Peace and Harmony
Urinary Bladder

·         Paired with the Kidney
·         Represents the entire pelvic area including prostate, uterus, testicles and ovaries and therefore also the sexuality.
·         Stores and Discharges turbid materials away from the body
·         Related to the functions and balance of the autonomous nervous system
·         Associated with resisting change, basic negative attitude
·         Health of the Urinary Bladder is reflected in the urinary activity
The Urinary Bladder Meridian begins its journey at the inside edge of each eye and travels over the top of the head (where it visits the brain) to the back of the neck. Here it splits into two parts. One (the inner branch) travels into the base of the neck and moves down, parallel with the spine. At the bottom, it reaches into the bladder. The other moves across the back of the shoulder and then runs downward alongside the inner branch. The two branches move through the buttocks and join at the knees. Each meridian now continues down the back of the lower leg, circles the outer ankle, and finally ends at the tip of the little toe, where it connects with (but is not the start of) the Kidney Meridian.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for diseases in the head, neck, eyes, back, groin and lower limbs as well as certain and mental illnesses. They are also recommended for symptoms along the meridian pathway.

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