
Tuesday 30 October 2012

KIDNEY MERIDIAN (Meridians 11 of 14)

Kidney Meridian
Minister of Power
The Meridian of Sexual Confidence
Root of Life

Includes the adrenal glands – These glands sit like hats on top of the kidneys and secrete a wide range of essential hormones that regulate metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility
Also includes what the Chinese call the ‘external kidneys’: the gonads – Control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body’s prime source of sexual vitality
·         Maintains and Processes body fluids – send “clear fluid”, which circulates through the organs and tissues upwards & send “turbid fluid”, which is transformed into sweat and urine downward
·         Coordinate respiration with the Lungs – especially during inhalation
·         Control the bones of the entire body and the development of bone marrow that spreads along the spinal cord to the brain
·         Rules the bones, teeth, and adrenal glands
·         Responsible for the muscles as well as for the connective tissue
·         Regulate the body’s acid-alkaline balance (pH)
·         Control short-term memory and store data
·         Provide the capacity and drive for strength, skill and hard work
·         Residence of yin and yang
·         Seat of courage and willpower
·         Store Jing – vital essence that affects energy and the aging processes
·         Sensitive to chronic fear, especially when cause is not addressed
·         Associated with wilfulness and stubbornness
·         Health of the Kidneys are seen in the head hair and reflected in the ears (sense of hearing)
The Kidney Meridian initiates between the long bones of the second and third toes, near the sole of the foot. It travels the inside of the leg, entering the body near the base of the spine. At the kidneys, it splits into two branches. These pass through the chest and intersect at the Pericardium meridian and from there, journey to the base of the tongue. (A small branch divides at the lungs to link with the heart and the pericardium.)
Acupuncture points in this meridian are used for gynaecological, genital, kidney, lung, and pharynx (throat) diseases. They are also indicated for symptoms associated with the pathway of the meridian.

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