
Saturday 27 October 2012

HEART MERIDIAN (Meridians 8 of 14)

Heart Meridian
King of the Organs
The Meridian of Forgiveness

The Emperor
·         Rules all of the Zang-Fu organs
·         Governs the blood circulation and distribution
·         Commands all of the organs and viscera
·         Dominates sleep
·         Controls all life processes associated with the soul and emotions
·         Controls mental activities such as processing, perception and mental health
·         Stores Shen – the body’s spirit
·         Sensitive to over-exuberance, over-excitement, agitation, panic and sudden fear
·         Associated with long-term memory, thinking, emotions, intimacy, cognition, intelligence, and ideas
·         Health of Heart is seen in the complexion and tongue and reflected in the taste buds
The Heart Meridian starts in the heart and consists of three branches. One goes to the small intestine. Another runs upward past the tongue toward the eyes. The third branch crosses the chest to travel down the arm, ending at the inside top of the little finger, where it connects with the Small Intestine Meridian.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for heart, chest and mental problems. They are also indicated for symptoms along the meridian.

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