Each Chakra vibrates at a determined energetic frequency which produces a determined colour. Light is energy. Colours are the separation of light in energetic frequencies.
Spiritual white light enters the body through the Soul Star and Crown Chakra. Likewise telluric red light energy enters from the Earth Star. The mix of these two colours (50/50) in our Soul produces the Pink colour of our Heart Chakra/frequency of love.
White light entering the Sacral Chakra mixes with the Red from the Base Chakra to give us passionate Orange .
In the Solar Plexus there is more white light and this Chakra vibrates with a Yellow energetic frequency, the sun of our life.
Mixing 50% yellow (Solar Plexus) and Blue from the Throat Chakra gives us the second colour for the Heart Chakra – Green. Hope
The union of Pink (Heart Chakra) and Blue from Throat Chakra gives us the Lilac colour of the meditative Third Eye.