Vibrational Frequency: Colour Green/Pink
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Situated: Centre of the Chest
The colour Pink is Love and Green is for the Virtues of the Heart.
Love and all Virtues derived from Love like Happiness, Faith, Charity, Hope, Moderation, etc.
Relationships. The right to Love, Forgiveness, Compassion. Ability to have Self-control. Acceptance of oneself.
Sends Energy to Heart, Lungs and Bronchi
Imbalances: Sorrow, Heartbreak, Fear.
Heart and Breathing disorders. Heart and Breast Cancer. Chest Pain. High Blood Pressure. Passivity. Immune System problems. Muscular Tension.
Also Cardiovascular Diseases and Lung Problems for example: Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergies, etc.
Also Anxiety and Fear, Heart Palpitations, feelings of Suffocation and Coughing caused by Energetic Pressure on the Lungs.
Heart Chakra Stimulants: Nature Walks, time spent with family and friends.
Green Food & Drink. Green Gemstones and Clothing.
Using Green Oils such as Eucalyptus or Pine essential oils.