The word aura means atmosphere of multi-coloured light called "aureola". The human aura is a multi-layered energy field that is primarily generated by the spiritual chakra energy centres. What has been the perceived halo effect around the head is called the "numbus", also a small part of the aura is made up by electromagnetic energies that are generated by atoms within matter, that give off a small energy field. The aura reflects moods, personality and traits, emotions, general well-being, spiritual abilities and evolution and is made up of several layers or bodies reflecting and relating to different chakra and aspects of our Spiritual and Template Aura.
The colours described below do not always match that of the associated chakra, this is due to a blending that takes place of one or more of the main seven chakra along with a multitude of secondary and subsidiary chakra's may be involved in the makeup of each of the main seven bodies of the aura and although the aura is thought to possibly extend up to 40 inches off the body in places it is very unlikely that many psychics would be able to see it. That is not to say at times it cannot be seen or sensed by other means, just that in most cases the aura is only normally seen 2 to 4 inches off the top of the head, where it usually most prominently is seen or perceived. For those who can psychically view the aura, it can be seen to visibly brighten and change when for instance if we are addressing others, or in some way pulling on the resources of our spirit such as in spiritual healing or meditation or in other activities, as well as in normal daily events of our life, so for instance if you kiss someone your aura might go from the normal colour into bright red.
Introduction to Auras and Energy Fields
The aura and colours of the aura can vary from one person to the next and different colours in the aura can represent a persons attributes depending on moods, emotions, physical and mental states of well-being or any disharmonies or illnesses that may be present, as well as the individuals level of spirituality and progression, together with general spiritual abilities and their general nature and personality are all reflected and can be seen and picked up through the aura. The aura can expand if spiritual attributes are being used such as clairvoyance, psychic healing and other spiritual work and activities, including astral projection or out of body experiences.
This theory has been put to the test by those who can see aura and the aura of life close to mortal demise has been viewed just prior to demise and within seconds of demise there is a dramatic reduction in the aura, which if the aura was only generated by the atoms within matter, then there should not be any reduction at demise and this reduction happens as the spirit is thought to depart from the physical host body, only leaving the amount of atomic energies surrounding the remains.
The Seven Aura Bodies Produced by the Chakra
It is believed that there are seven main bodies that are reflected in layers through the aura although this does vary a little depending on the belief systems one follows. Each of these bodies is thought to be connected and correspond to one of the spirits seven main chakra energy centres, which produce the auric layers.
These seven main aura bodies are known as the, Etheric Aura; Emotional Aura; Mental Aura; Astral Aura; Etheric Template Aura; Celestial Aura; Causal (Ketheric) Aura.
These seven main aura bodies are known as the, Etheric Aura; Emotional Aura; Mental Aura; Astral Aura; Etheric Template Aura; Celestial Aura; Causal (Ketheric) Aura.
Base Chakra: Red; Etheric layer of the Aura,
Sacral Chakra: Orange; Emotional layer of the Aura,
Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow; Mental or Intellectual layer of the Aura,
Heart Chakra: Green; Astral layer of the Aura,
Throat Chakra: Light Blue; Etheric Template layer of the Aura,
Brow Chakra: Indigo; "Third Eye" Celestial layer of the Aura,
Crown Chakra: Violet; Causal (Ketheric) layer of the Aura.
Kirlian photography was discovered by Semyon and Valentina Kirlian in Russia. This photography was not developed for taking pictures of the aura in mind but was developed to take pictures of the electrical activity or corona produced around the 200KHZ frequency. More recent research is concentrated on a different audio frequency ranging under 10KHZ. Of course in some regards the aura is not so unlike corona, both are energy fields that are generated and resonate around a number of energy sources, as we know the sun has a powerful corona and to a much lesser degree so does the earth and all matter gives off atomic energies.
Sacral Chakra: Orange; Emotional layer of the Aura,
Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow; Mental or Intellectual layer of the Aura,
Heart Chakra: Green; Astral layer of the Aura,
Throat Chakra: Light Blue; Etheric Template layer of the Aura,
Brow Chakra: Indigo; "Third Eye" Celestial layer of the Aura,
Crown Chakra: Violet; Causal (Ketheric) layer of the Aura.
However it is believed that there are energies that underly those of the material atomic nature, these energies are what mediums call the etheric counterpart or are believe to be what the Chinese call the chi or the Japanese call the ki energy which is of a more of an etheric and spiritual nature and used in acupuncture allowing these energies to be released and flow more freely to help restore good health. Although of all Kirlian photography has come close and is able to pick up on some energy that we resonate. The question that is raised is what percentage of these energies that are seen are actually being generated by the spirit rather than the material atomic nature.
Kirlian photos can be quite different from the normally observed aura using the psychic abilities. The energy fields seen in Kirlian photography are often bigger in proportion and the colours can vary compared to what is seen psychically. In Kirlian photos the energy field can extend over a foot from the top of the head.
Admittedly the camera lens does not lie, it takes a picture of what it is sensitive too and in this case the camera lens is sensitive to an energy field that resonates on maybe a different frequency of vibration to that of the normally observed aura that many psychics see about two to six inches off the top of the head, that is not to say other energies do not resonate further out, only that mostly we are not spiritually aware of them. There is value in these pictures and keeping an open mind to this photography as possibly being a valued tool to discover more about the human aura and energy fields is a good idea.