
Tuesday 11 September 2012


Kunzite is an extremely spiritual crystal with a high vibration. It awakens the heart centre and unconditional love, evoking loving thoughts and communication. It radiates peace and connects us to Universal love.
Kunzite aids deep and centred meditation and is helpful to those who find it difficult to enter a meditative state. It also enhances creativity, encourages humility and the willingness to serve.
It is one of the main heart chakra trinity crystals. Its purpose is to prepare the internalised self-love (initiated by rose quartz) to be offered in external expression. This stage allows total surrender and release of fears and sorrows which have bound the heart to the past, or to anxious anticipation of the future. It connects us with our own source of love. 
This crystal is a protective stone, working on the individual and the environment, dispelling negativity. It shields the Aura (creating a protective shield around it) from unwanted energies and dispelling attached entities and mental influences from it: allowing one to be self-contained even within a crowd, as it strengthens the energy field around the body.
Psychologically Kunzite promotes self-expression and enhances free expression of feelings. It is an aid for recovering memories that have been blocked: and is a useful healer for those who may have had to grow up too quickly, bringing back lost trust and innocence. It also promotes tolerance for ourselves and others, and is a great help in reducing stress related anxiety.
Mentally it has the ability to combine intellect, intuition and inspiration. It has a mood lifting effect and is helpful for depression arising from emotional causes: and is excellent for alleviating panic attacks.
Spiritually Kunzite activates the heart chakra and aligns it with the throat and third eye.
Healing: Strengthens the circulatory system and the heart muscle. Helpful for conditions involving the nerves of the body, such as neuralgia. It calms epilepsy and soothes joint pain. Stimulates the immune system.
Kunzite contains lithium and is beneficial for psychiatric disorders and depression, especially if taken as an elixir.

This stone is ideal for children with difficulties in adjusting to life, also for gifted children, and help them more easily to function in their environment.
Clear Kunzite: assists in soul retrieval work, aiding the journey back to the site of the soul loss and can be used as a receptacle for the soul until it is reintegrated into the body.

Yellow Kunzite: clears environmental smog, deflects microwaves and radiation from the auric field. It aligns the chakras, reconstructs DNA, stabilises the cellular blueprint and the Ca-Mg balance in the body.

Lilac Kunzite: is a Celestial doorway and symbolises infinity. It facilitates the transition of the dying, providing the knowledge the departing soul requires, aiding the move to enlightenment. Lilac Kunzite breaks through the barriers of time into the infinite.
Green Kunzite (Hiddenite): Can vary in colour from yellow to emerald green. It connects to other worlds assisting in the transfer of knowledge from higher realms. It will gently release feelings of failure and helps people who “put a brave face on” to accept support and comfort from others.
Green Kunzite grounds spiritual love. This crystal supports new beginnings. In healing: facilitates diagnosis when gently “brushed” over the body, showing areas of weakness, coldness and dis-ease. It supports the Thymus and the chest area.
It can be placed on the Third Eye to stimulate spiritual insight.

NB. Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with knowledge and/or under the guidance of a professional.

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