
Saturday 8 September 2012


In the depths of my being, there is an infinite well of Gratitude. 
I fill my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness and my whole being with this Gratitude, which radiates from me in all directions, reaching everything in my world and returning to me in many ways and giving me more things to be grateful for.

The more gratitude I feel, the more aware I am that the supply is infinite.

Expressing Gratitude makes me feel good.

I'm thankful for me and my body. I appreciate my ability to see, hear, feel, taste and touch.

I am thankful for my house and lovingly care for it.

I give thanks for my family and friends and enjoy their company.

I appreciate my work and always give my best.

I appreciate my talents and abilities and am grateful I can express them in a way that satisfies me.

I give thanks for my income and I know that wherever I go I will prosper.

I thank my past experiences, because they are part of the growth of my soul.

I am thankful for all of nature and respect all living things.

I give thanks for today and all the tomorrows to come.

I feel Gratitude for Life now and forever.

"Start your day with this beautiful prayer; it opens the energies to manifest a Wonderful day"
(translated from