
Tuesday 11 September 2012


Azurite guides psychic and intuitive development. Its radiant deep indigo blue colour has the ability to move subconscious thoughts into the conscious mind. It motivates higher thinking by bringing deep subconscious thoughts to the surface allowing them to be examined with conscious awareness.
The purity of these crystals cleanse the mind and soul and bring light and truth replacing outdated belief systems. This deep vibrant blue crystal has the ability to move healing energy through all levels of our being: from the physical to the most subtle.
Azurite acts as a catalyst in the initiation of transformation that integrates the earth with the ethers, the physical with the spiritual. This occurs when the subconscious mind is cleansed, enabling the inner light to be infused into thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Azurite nodules or healing stones can be placed on any area of the body where a blockage or congestion is found. As the Azurite ray penetrates and moves energy, the psychic-emotional reasons for this blockage will surface into the mind. As this happens, assistance may be necessary for example: counselling or meditation to release the root of the blockage.

Azurite treats throat problems, arthritis and joint problems, aligns the spine and works at a cellular level to restore any blockage or damage to the brain.   It also heals kidney, liver and gallbladder problems, and treats the spleen, thyroid, bones, teeth and skin.   It also aids detoxification. It encourages the growth of embryos in the womb.
Position: Wear touching the skin on the right hand or place as appropriate, especially on the third eye.

NB. May cause palpitations, if so remove immediately.

Note: Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with knowledge and/or under the guidance of a professional.

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