
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Healing Meditation: Charge The Energy

Hands held upward
Breath from the Soul Star to the Nuclear Star. Then from the Nuclear Star breath the light into all of the physical body. Repeat successively.
It is more than likely that you will not be able to fill the whole body at first, but this is quite normal and will improve with practice.
Ultimately all the cells of your body will vibrate in unison with the light.
(20 mins, Grounding as necessary)

Sunday 4 December 2011

Light Channelling

With Each inhale bring the light down from the Soul Star, through the Hara Line to the Nuclear Star.
With each exhale raise the light from the Nuclear Star to The Heart Chakra and direct it down the arms to the hands, where it is expelled/pushed/blown/channelled.
Repeat with each inhale and exhale.
Direct the light as needed by laying on of hands (hands down - giving)

Saturday 3 December 2011

Healing Meditation. " May the will of God manifest on Earth and cross to me"

Hands Upward
Breathing in the Light (up and down through the Hara Line) from the Soul Star to the Earth Star.
(20 Mins, Grounding as necessary)

Sunday 27 November 2011


What is a Chakra?

Chakra: (wheel in Sanskrit) A Chakra is an Energetic Vortex. This term is used to describe energetic centres of the human body. There are Seven Principle Chakras, each one of them is associated with the endocrine glands inside the body.
Apart from these Principles Chakras there are different Minor Chakras, many of which correspond with the Acupuncture Points.

 There are also Transpersonal Chakras found in the central line of the body – in the Hara line – the Main Energy Tube.
It is very important for our Health that these Chakras are balanced.

Friday 25 November 2011


Love and Eternal Gratitude for being my very special sister ....

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Thought for the day - SMILE

All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile.
Chris Hart

Thursday 17 November 2011

AURA:The Causal Body Layer ( Seventh layer, level or body)

(Sometimes Termed as The Ketheric Body Layer)
Also known as 'The Spiritual Mental Aspect'.
It is the higher mental, spiritual body and this layer is the one that enshrouds all of the other subtle bodies. It also encompasses the complete experiences and understandings that the soul has ever gone through and together with the Celestial Body, could be said to be the essence of the present incarnation. It is the Universal Consciousness, part of and connected/attuned to the Divine Mind; containing part of that mind within. It is through this layer we achieve the feeling of completely being at one with creation and all within it and the understandings that this brings. It contains the individual's life plan and all possibilities.

Being the last layer associated with the present life of the soul, it borders on the Cosmic Plane which is denied to us in life but such awareness can flow in through the Causal Body.

Normally extending from three feet to four feet from the physical body but more if great understanding of the higher self is present. Golden in colour with a matrix of silver-gold which surrounds the auric bodies, chakras and physical body form. The more 'advanced' the soul, the brighter and more pure golden-white in nature its appearance becomes.

Responds to the colour Violet (Sapphire) and note pitch of 'B' and is of the spiritual plane of existence.

AURA:The Celestial Body Layer (Sixth layer, level or body)

Also known as 'The Emotional Aspect'.

The subtle auric body associated with divine, spiritual and unconditional love; the higher emotional aspects and spiritual ecstasy. It is the layer that gives universal intuition as it is our intuitive connection to all truths and all that is within the universe.

Extending from around two feet from the physical body and perhaps up to four feet, with a lustrous and shimmering appearance of lighter hues of colour and often with a pearl-like quality of silvery gold.

Responds to the colour Indigo (Sapphire) and note pitch of 'A' and is of the spiritual plane of existence.

AURA:The Etheric Template Body Layer (fifth layer, level or body)

Also known as 'The Higher Physical Aspect'. Although being termed 'physical', this layer is in some ways a spiritual 'mirror' of the Physical Etheric Body except that it contains all potential physical forms and not just the form taken by the physical body, although that also is contained in this layer. It is a spiritual/physical template/blueprint of perfection of the physical.

In illness, the lower, physical etheric layer is out of balance and synchronisation with the actual physical body; the etheric template body can be used to restore this lower level imbalance by using its resonating colour and note pitch. There is more to using this aspect than opening interaction but suffice to say that being a template of physical form but in the spiritual dimension, sound transmutes the spiritual into physical matter by altering certain template vibrations to physical frequencies.

This layer extends out to about two feet from the body, sometimes a bit less. Being a template/blueprint and a base from which the physical manifests and grows, it is considered to be a layer that is effectively devoid of colour and 'empty' (or even a 'negative' space). While this may be the case in a balanced Aura, when physical imbalance occurs or is being addressed by the etheric template, colour and form of its activity might be observed.

Responds to the colour Blue (Sapphire)
and note pitch of 'G' and is of the spiritual plane of existence.

AURA:The Astral Body Layer (fourth layer, level,body)


This layer connects directly to the higher dimensions and realms. With its connection to the Heart Chakra, it is the fulcrum around which the physical body and mind interacts with the spiritual realms and vibrations. It is the 'transformer' through which all inward flowing psychic, supernatural and paranormal energies are adjusted for the physical to encompass and transforms physical energies and vibrations to the higher spiritual forms. As its name suggests, it is the door to the Astral Plane. It is the first layer that associates with our minds and emotions looking outwards.

This layer is without form and is ever changing in wafting and swirling clouds of colour and extends from six inches to about a foot from the physical body.

Responds to the colour Green (Emerald( and note pitch of 'F' and is of the spiritual plane of existence.

AURA:The Mental Body Layer (Third layer, level or Body)

(Sometimes also called The Vital Auric Layer, Level or Body) Also known as the "physical Mental Aspect" or "Lower Mental Aspect".B
The frequency of this layer is our mental thought processes and patterns, in effect the way the mind is working and is to do with mental process relating to the physical and rational world.
While not following the form of the physical body, it has a structure that reflects thought patterns and trains of thought. It is said that actual thoughts are pictured within this structure. Usually flowing in motion but with new streams or "bubbles" appearing, merging and disappearing. It is clearest in appearance (and usually radiates and extends further) around the head and neck areas but flows and envelopes the whole body. Ranging from around 2 - 3 inches from the physical body but can be up to 9 inches on occasions. Mostly appearing as a yellow and often bright glow. Responds to Yellow and note pitch of ´E´and is of the Physical Plane.of existence.

AURA:The Emotional Body Layer (second layer, level, body)

(also known as 'The Lower Emotional Aspect')
This is the layer with the frequency vibaration of emotions and feelings to do with the physical self and how that effects overall emotional balance.
Although only extending from 1-3 inches from the physical body, it does not take on the physical body's structure or appearance.
It is sometimes difficult to view this layer, but with practice it is possible. When seen, it is in constant, sometimes turbulent, motion and seems to appear from fluid-like to cloud-like, changing with inner feelings and emotions. It's colours reflect those emotions and it is very chameleon in nature.
Responds to the colour Orange and the note pitch of 'D' and is of the Physical Plane of existance.

AURA:The Etheric Body Layer (First Layer, Level or Body)

Also sometimes called the The Physical Etheric/Auric Layer, Level or Body or 'Lowest Aspect')

This is the first Subtle Body up from that of the living and physical body and can be viewed as a bridge between the physical and and the higher aspects or a bridge between the physical frequencies and psychic frequencies. Having both contact and interaction with the physical and the psychic worlds, this layer could be  responsible for the 'skin creeping' sensation when in contact with the paranormal or the supernatural.
 It always takes on the structure and form of the physical body, extending up an inch from the physical body. It is the layer which corresponds with physical life such as sensations, physical pleasure and pain as well as physical health and wellbeing.
 It shows as a shining blue light, it can vary in hue from whitish blue to deep blue and sometimes appears to be statically charged and seems to be in constant motion.
Responds to the colour Red and note pitch of 'C' and is of the Physical Plane of existance.

Tuesday 15 November 2011


If you show no respect for others, you show no respect for yourself                                                 
When you act with love:
                                           * You allow others to be themselves.
                                           * You don’t get upset, you do not make mistakes.
                                           * God walks with you
                                           * The power of God is manifested on earth and passes to you                                              (willpower)
- Fear works against love and is the opposite of love.
 - Fear is the root of all illness.
 - Fear of death, being alone, being less than your peers, insufficient money, separation from God, ourselves, life, etc., etc.

 ** But when you act with love you are your  "True Self" -  you live and never die.


- Excuses do not exist, we search for reasons not to do something. (procrastination)
- Negative energies try to stop you and make you think “I can’t do it”- BUT you can do anything!
- Negative energies try to put obsticles in your way.
- Negative energies try to stop your connection with Love/God/Good.
- You have been given Freewill and Liberty. Do not let anyone take them from you.

Sunday 13 November 2011


I am a Spiritual being created in the image of, and resembling God. Nothing is impossible for me.

  • MY AGE


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Thought for the day - WHY WORRY

"Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want".

Saturday 22 October 2011


  • Introduction to Reiki/Usui, Japonese healing system
  • History and legends of Reiki
  • Reiki Principles, Spiritual Medicine
  • Did Reiki come form Tibet?
  • The levels of Reiki
  • Healing work by placing hands
  • The gift of Healing
  • Ethics and Morals
  • 21 day cleanse
  • What is an initiation?
  • Initiation ritual
  • 4 Initiations
  • Angels, spirit guides, paranormal qualities and Reiki
  • Energy exchange
  • Healing Meditations
  • Chakra healing or first aid
  • Healing other peoples Chakras
  • Healing with recipient sitting
  • Healing whole body. Complete Reiki therapy
  • Psychic Healing
  • Group healing
  • Healing plants and animals
  • Prayers and Energetic Protections
  • The symbol of power
  • How to use the symbol of power
  • Healing circle
  • Advice and warnings