
Thursday 17 November 2011

AURA:The Etheric Template Body Layer (fifth layer, level or body)

Also known as 'The Higher Physical Aspect'. Although being termed 'physical', this layer is in some ways a spiritual 'mirror' of the Physical Etheric Body except that it contains all potential physical forms and not just the form taken by the physical body, although that also is contained in this layer. It is a spiritual/physical template/blueprint of perfection of the physical.

In illness, the lower, physical etheric layer is out of balance and synchronisation with the actual physical body; the etheric template body can be used to restore this lower level imbalance by using its resonating colour and note pitch. There is more to using this aspect than opening interaction but suffice to say that being a template of physical form but in the spiritual dimension, sound transmutes the spiritual into physical matter by altering certain template vibrations to physical frequencies.

This layer extends out to about two feet from the body, sometimes a bit less. Being a template/blueprint and a base from which the physical manifests and grows, it is considered to be a layer that is effectively devoid of colour and 'empty' (or even a 'negative' space). While this may be the case in a balanced Aura, when physical imbalance occurs or is being addressed by the etheric template, colour and form of its activity might be observed.

Responds to the colour Blue (Sapphire)
and note pitch of 'G' and is of the spiritual plane of existence.