
Thursday 17 November 2011

AURA:The Etheric Body Layer (First Layer, Level or Body)

Also sometimes called the The Physical Etheric/Auric Layer, Level or Body or 'Lowest Aspect')

This is the first Subtle Body up from that of the living and physical body and can be viewed as a bridge between the physical and and the higher aspects or a bridge between the physical frequencies and psychic frequencies. Having both contact and interaction with the physical and the psychic worlds, this layer could be  responsible for the 'skin creeping' sensation when in contact with the paranormal or the supernatural.
 It always takes on the structure and form of the physical body, extending up an inch from the physical body. It is the layer which corresponds with physical life such as sensations, physical pleasure and pain as well as physical health and wellbeing.
 It shows as a shining blue light, it can vary in hue from whitish blue to deep blue and sometimes appears to be statically charged and seems to be in constant motion.
Responds to the colour Red and note pitch of 'C' and is of the Physical Plane of existance.