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WHETHER YOU ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH OR ARE A FREQUENT VISITOR -A VERY SPECIAL WELCOME TO YOU! HAVE A GOOD LOOK AROUND - I HOPE YOU FIND SOMETHING TO HELP YOU ON YOUR PATH... YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! HEALTH, BLESSINGS AND LIGHT. The alternative treatments/therapies discussed on this blog are not intended to replace the advice of a health professional. They are shared with the understanding that each individual accepts full responsibility for his or her own well being.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Transpersonal Chakras

STAR (situated 15 cm. above the head).

 Energy is received from the Universe/God through the Crown Chakra.

NUCLEAR STAR/TAN-TIEN (situated in the Umbilical area, Body Midline).
This is where our True Self is found, the Divine Spark within us.

EARTH STAR (situated 15 cm. below the feet)

Apart from these three energy points, we have one more transpersonal Chakra, situated between the Crown Chakra and The Third Eye Chakra, called The Causal Chakra. We also have an energy centre 15cm. Above The Soul Star which is called “Stellar Gateway”.