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WHETHER YOU ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH OR ARE A FREQUENT VISITOR -A VERY SPECIAL WELCOME TO YOU! HAVE A GOOD LOOK AROUND - I HOPE YOU FIND SOMETHING TO HELP YOU ON YOUR PATH... YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! HEALTH, BLESSINGS AND LIGHT. The alternative treatments/therapies discussed on this blog are not intended to replace the advice of a health professional. They are shared with the understanding that each individual accepts full responsibility for his or her own well being.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


The Hara Line is the main tube of energy running through the central line of the body.  It  unites and connects the Transpersonal Chakras. Here in the Hara Line we find our System of Major Chakras.

In this tube of light our lifes story is retained. For example close to the Coccyx – is our Birth and our Early Infancy then in the neck area, is the Future. (Records of our growth and development)

The light comes from The Soul Star entering through the Crown Chakra and passing through our physical body in a straight line "exiting" through the Hu-Yin Point, this energetic centre is situated between the genitals and the Anus, where we find the Base Chakra. This light proceeds down to the Earth Star, where Divine Light is manifested in the Earth and passes through us.

However, when we die we disconnect from The Earth Star and rise through The Hara Line (famous tunnel) where we see our life happen in chronological order. In the Crown Chakra we see the light at the end of the tunnel which is The Soul Star