
Wednesday 17 April 2013


In recent years, ground-breaking studies have proven that Neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to reorganize itself through neural pathways and connections in response to real or imagined experiences) is not limited to youth and does not have to diminish with age.
We don’t have a set number of brain cells that die off as we grow older. Not only can we generate new brain cells, we can establish new stronger neural pathways through deliberately creating new associative patterns. We can strengthen our brains…with Neurobics.
Neurobics are exercises that use all of our senses in new and novel ways. Neurobics is something anyone can do anywhere in just minutes a day. It’s not a quick fix, but a conscious lifestyle choice. It’s a way to make “mind-building” exercises out of everyday activities.

I will be publishing some ideas to provide you with Neurobic exercises to get you started. You can design your own Neurobic Exercises but be sure that the activities provide the kind of nerve cell stimulation needed to activate new brain circuits.
Neurobic exercises should include at least one or more of the following:
1. Use one of your senses in a new way. By dulling the sense you normally use you are forcing yourself to rely on another sense. i.e. Eating a meal in silence, listening to specific music in combination with a distinctive aroma.
2. Really engage your emotions. You want your brain to sit up and take notice. The activity should make you step outside the box, be unusual, surprising, meaningful.
3. Break a routine. Make it unexpected.
Here are a few tips to consider before you get started…
Carefully select what you expose your brain to…
Remember that the brain doesn’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s imagined. Exposure to sensationalized news stories, gossip and negativity can affect our brains as if we lived those very experiences. Limit your exposure to people, places and experiences that are not a positive influence.......MORE TOMORROW ....

Info from:

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