
Wednesday 17 April 2013


Begin and end each day on a positive note… When you wake up each morning before getting out of bed, think of the things you are thankful for. Smile. State your intention for the day. As you drift off to sleep think of the good things that happened in your day. Visualize your dreams.
Resist the urge to criticize and judge…
This especially applies to you. When you feel challenged, take a deep breath and really think about your words and thoughts. It’s easy to get caught up in self-defeating language. Think Big… Set your intentions much higher than your desires. As you visualize and imagine this highest intention you are not only triggering positive psychological benefits, you are also making your core desire feel more easily attainable.
We all know that meditation has numerous benefits to our mind, body and spirit. Meditation can also help us install changes in our life. It can help us strengthen our neural pathways. 
When we meditate we are synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain. There is available to us a great technological way to assist with meditation. This specially prepared music can take the listener into Alpha brain wave patterns of pre-sleep and then down into Theta patterns of memory, dreams and deep meditation. Brain Wave Entrainment music can be found at Listening to this music on a regular basis can have a dramatic effect on our moods and energy which assists in strengthening our brains!
Have Fun….
Long lasting changes are easy to achieve when we make them enjoyable and add plenty of laughter and fun.

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