
Sunday 17 February 2013

PETITGRAIN -Citrus Auantium Amara

This oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree. It is grown commercially in South America, North Africa and France. It has been used in eau de cologne for hundreds of years due to its refreshing, deodorising and stimulating effects. It is still used today in perfumes, but also in cosmetics and as a flavouring for drinks. 
The essential oil has a sharp tangy orange smell and combines both stimulating and relaxing properties. It is an ideal remedy for any type of stress or fatigue.

In aromatherapy, it is used for treating insomnia, fatigue, low energy, backache, muscular tension or any type of nervousness.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation.
 It is wonderful warm bath for relaxing after a hard day or to help with sleeplessness. For tension - massage into the lower spine, upper back, nape of neck and  temples.
For instant relief from nerves or fatigue - inhale a few drops from a tissue.

NB: All citrus oils should be kept in a cool dark place to preserve and keep them fresh.

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