
Wednesday 13 February 2013

NEROLI - Citrus Aurantium Bigaradia

The oil is extracted from freshly picked blossoms of the bitter orange tree. It is grown commercially in Italy, Sicily, France and North Africa.

Neroli oil was first discovered in the late 1600's. The Roman  god Jupiter gave an orange to his sister Juno when he married her, and brides have carried the blossom to calm nerves ever since.

This essential oil has a natural smell of wonderful, bitter orange blossom. It is a hypnotic sedative, calming, relaxing and anti-depressant. It inhances creativity, alleviates depression, anguish, fear, social phobias, tachycadia and tension.

In aromatherapy it is excellent for all kinds of stress or tension, over excitement, anxiety, insomnia, and is also good for improving dry or mature complexions.

USE AT HOME:  Massage, baths, inhalation.

As Neroli is a natural tranquilliser use it with other relaxing oils for the best bath imaginable. 

It is wonderful for any relaxing massage - scalp, back, neck, face, hand or foot. - and it improves the skin texture at the same time.
Inhale a few drops on a tissue to lift your mood.

NB: It is perfectly safe to use during pregnancy.

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