
Tuesday 12 February 2013

MYRRH - Commiphora Myrrha

Oil is extracted from resin collected from the stem and shoots of the tree. It grows in North Africa, northern India and the Middle East.

Myrrh, one of the three gifts given to the baby Jesus, which was much prized by ancient civilisations. It was used for incense, embalming, perfume and in religious ceremonies. It was used medicinally to treat wounds and chest problems.

The essential oil has a rich spicy, camphorish smell. It is warming, relaxing, healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and a good expectorant.

In aromatherapy it is excellent for healing skin, for eczema, mature skin, poor circulation, arthritis, and any nasal or chest congestion.
It eases gum inflammation, treats fungal infections. Brings peace to an agitated mind.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation. Myrrh is wonderful for use in winter as it has a rich smell and a warming effect. 
A few drops in a bath relieves stress.
Also used as:

  •  Warming foot massage
  •  Anti wrinkle massage
  •  Facial massage
  •  Soothing hand massage
  •  Dry skin massage
If inhaled from a tissue or with steam it will relieve a chesty cough and is a great expectorant.

NB:Do not use during pregnancy.

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