
Sunday 30 September 2012


Tourmaline is one of the most beautiful stones on earth. Its popularity has grown immensely as more and more people are drawn to it. It has the ability to raise the vibration of what ever surrounds it. 
Its geometric design is one of the reasons Tourmaline possesses so much power. The long striated lines channel electrical beams of light which will immediately transform denser vibrations into positive energy currents. Tourmaline is one of the most complete stones here on earth at this time. It has the ability to reflect rays of the colour spectrum: from clear white to the deepest black. It adjusts its vibration to manifest a perfect expression of each colour.
Tourmaline can be used in any area where you want to increase the light force. It is used on alters, over temples and churches, or worn as jewelry. Tourmaline crystals can be placed between the chakras during crystal healing to bridge the energy between one chakra and the next. It is especially effective when used with Rhodochrosite and Malachite at the solar plexus to integrate the upper energy centres with the lower ones.
The highly charged electrical current which moves along Tourmalines striations increases our charisma and radiance if worn or used regularly. Tourmalines energy weaves an intricate fabric of light into the aura: threads of joy, strength, peace and compassion - all interwoven into our nature.
One of the purposes of Tourmaline is to transmit higher virtues and important laws of the universe onto the earth. It can teach us to expand and transform limiting beliefs into a much finer reality.  Tourmaline has a very specific message for us. "Align yourself with the forces of light and channel that radiance onto your world and into your life."
Tourmaline supplies us with a strong protective shield which enables us to grow from within while developing the disciplines needed to extend that light to the external world.
Tourmaline expresses inner and outer balance and freely shares this with us. It builds a bridge where the earth can merge with the heavens and subtle energy bodies can align with the physical. It creates a balance of forces by lowering the frequency of spirit and raising the frequency of denser matter: creating harmonious interbreeding of cosmic and material energies.
Tourmaline is not indigenous to earth, it has been materialised on this planet by higher life forms to assist us in the transition into the Aquarian Age. Tourmaline will build the rainbow bridge which our soul can cross and express its multidimensional forms. 
Natural Tourmaline wands are useful healing tools. They clear the aura, remove blockages, disperse negative energies and point to solutions to specific problems. At a physical level they balance the meridians. 
Tourmaline is beneficial for the garden and plants. acting as a natural pesticide, keeps pests at bay. If buried in the soils it will encourage health and growth of crops.
This crystal is a powerful mental healer, balancing left and right hemispheres of the brain and transmuting negative thoughts into positive ones. It is helpful in treating paranoia, for overcoming dyslexia and improves hand to eye coordination. It balances male-female energy within the body.
In addition to the generic properties, coloured Tourmalines have specific additional properties.... more to follow.

Saturday 29 September 2012



Many, if not most, of the foods we eat today are not really food at all. Hydrogenated fats, for example, are recognised by our bodies’ digestive systems to be more like plastic than food. 
The current over-industrialisation and processing of our food has left us the most overfed yet undernourished culture ever to exist. 
Artificial sweeteners can be hundreds of times sweeter than natural sugars and therefore create unprecedented cravings for other sweet treats.
There is convincing evidence that carbonated drinks (both ordinary and diet) may be the largest single dietary contributor to diabetes in children.
Sadly, as we have become removed from the skills of growing and preparing our own food, we have lost sight of what it means to nourish ourselves. 
We would all do much better to stick to a general pattern of cuisine (similar to what our ancestors ate) and only deviate from time to time for special occasions. In other words, eat food your great-grandparents would have eaten and would recognise.
It is always a good idea to eat simply, eat fresh and whenever possible eat local produce.


Peridot is one of natures most clear and vibrant green colours. Its vibration is not quite as high or intense as some of the other stones in this green spectrum. Malachite and Emerald are also in this colour but the green of those stones blends more with the blue colour ray than that of Peridot. Green- blue crystals direct energy towards the mental, emotional and spiritual levels whilst higher levels of yellow will carry a more 'healing' green into the physical plane. Due to the larger amount of yellow inherent to Peridot, it will directly effect the solar-plexus and navel areas which is ruled by yellow-green energies. Peridot is an earth- plane green which initiates healing within the physical body.

Yellow is also the colour associated with the mind and intellect. Peridot is capable of effecting certain negative emotional states such as jealousy and anger. It can heal and cleanse hurt feelings, bruised egos and even help us to mend relationships.
In ancient times it was believed to ward off evil spirits. It is still a protective stone for the Aura.
HEALING: Peridot has a tonic effect. It heals and regenerates tissues. It strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen intestinal tract and strengthens eyes.
When used during childbirth it strengthens muscle contractions but lessens pain. Its energy balances bipolar disorders and overcomes hypochondria.
POSITION: Wear at the throat. Place as appropriate, especially over the liver in contact with the skin.
Note: Crystal should only be used under the guidance of a professional.

Friday 28 September 2012

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY..The point of power


Louise L Hay


Moonstone helps to balance and soothe our emotions. When our emotions hinder our connection to higher planes of reality. As Malachite brings the subconscious to the fore, Moonstone balances, soothes and heals, so that we are not identifying or living in an emotional state. 
Moonstones assist us to master our emotions by bringing them under the control of our higher self instead of repressing or expressing them. Many or our old emotional patterns are stored in our subconscious mind. Moonstone acts like a guardian @ the gateway to the subconscious and thereby serves to protect us from our own emotions. This then allows a greater awareness to unfold. 
Moonstones can be placed at the centre of the chin (the Moon centre) to create this balance.
They are also useful for women around the time of their menstrual cycle, linked to the Pineal gland they assist hormonal and emotional equilibrium, balance the hormonal system. They stabilize fluid imbalances, attune to the biorhythmic clock. Excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy and childbirth and breast feeding.
Men can use them to become more in tune with their feminine aspects. 
These wonderful stones can be used to calm hyperactive children.
Moonstones are a gift, allowing us to experience calmness and peace of mind. Once this is obtained and becomes part of our nature, the fear of feeling is neutralized and emotional balance is achieved.
Traditionally Moonstones have been used for insomnia and to prevent sleepwalking.
HEALING: Moonstone helps digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminate toxins and fluid retention. Also alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as pancreas and liver.
POSITION: Wear as a ring or place on appropriate body part - forehead for spiritual experiences, heart or solar plexus for emotions. However, some women may need to remove Moonstone at full moon.
Please be advised: Crystals should only be used under guidance or supervision of a professional.


The deep earth green and deep blood red in combination give this stone excellent properties. As you might guess by its name Bloodstone is an great cleanser and powerful healer. It purifies the blood and strengthens the blood purifying organs: kidneys, liver and spleen.
It is believed to have mystical and magical properties, controlling weather and conferring the ability to banish evil and negativity and to direct spiritual energies. In the ancient past it was said to have been an 'audible oracle' giving off sounds as a means of guidance. For people who have physically and emotionally purified themselves, Bloodstone can assist in transforming the physical vehicle to carry greater amounts of light and energy.
An excellent grounding and protective stone, keeping out undesirable influences. 
Psychologically it gives courage and teaches us how to avoid dangerous situations, by withdrawal and flexibility. It encourages selflessness and helps us act in the present moment.
Mentally Bloodstone calms the mind, dispels confusion and enhances decision making processes. It can also revitalize the mentally exhausted.
HEALING: An energy cleanser and immune stimulator for acute infections. Stimulates metabolic processes and lymph flow. Reduces the formation of pus and neutralizes over acidification. It can be helpful in cases of Leukemia as it supports the blood and removes toxins.
Bloodstone can be used to heal the ancestral line. It cleanses the lower chakras and realigns their energies.
POSITION: As appropriate.  Wear continually for good health. Place in a bowl of water beside the bed to ensure peaceful sleep. As an immune stimulator, tape over the thymus.

Thursday 27 September 2012


Louise Hay

Tuesday 25 September 2012




Amber is not a crystalline form and it cannot really be classified as a stone, it is fossilized pine tree resin that is millions of years old. 
It does not radiate strong healing energies but it does have the power to draw out dis-ease from the body and also promotes tissue revitalization.
Amber can also absorb negative energy and help the body to heal itself. Often after using for such purposes, it will become dull and cloudy. It is important to always cleanse Amber after use to prevent it from distributing negative energies and to ensure its healing potential.
Its golden orange colouring reflects light beautifully. 
By placing Amber over internal organs, the tissues can be revitalized.
Its colour is associated with the sacral/navel chakra and the grounding of energy in the physical body.
Wearing it is beneficial for persons who are easily depressed or have a tendency towards suicide. 
It helps ground higher energies onto the earthly plane to help with stabilizing, healing and balancing.
If treating babies, it is beneficial if the mother wears it for some time beforehand.

Monday 24 September 2012


Chrysocolla promotes tranquillity, helping us accept changing situations with serenity, promoting greater inner strength. It is of great benefit when used in relationships which have become rocky, stabilising and healing both the home and personal interactions.
It helps meditation and communication. When used in the home it draws off negative energies of all types.
This crystal calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras: aligning them with the divine. Used @ the solar plexus area, it draws out negative emotions such as guilt: reversing destructive emotional programming. At the heart chakra, it heals heartache and helps our capacity to love.  At the throat chakra it improves communication but also helps us to realise when it is best to keep silent. Used at the third eye chakra:opens psychic vision.
Raw Chrysocolla

At a psychological level Chrysocolla encourages self awareness and inner balance, imparting confidence and sensitivity, promotes personal power and inspires creativity. Overcomes phobias, draws out negativity and aids with motivation for those who need it.
Mentally it reduces mental tension and helps us to keep a cool head. Promotes impartiality and truth telling. 
Emotionally; alleviates guilt and brings us joy.

HEALING: Arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, digestive tract, ulcers, blood disorders and lung problems. Detoxifies Liver, Kidneys and intestines. It re-oxygenates blood and cellular structure of the lungs: promoting greater lung and breathing capacity. It regenerates the Pancreas , regulates insulin, and balances blood. Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps. With its cooling action it heals infections, especially in the throat and tonsils, lowers blood pressure, and soothes burns. It strengthen the Thyroid and benefits the metabolism. Excellent when used to treat PMS and menstrual cramps.
POSITION: Place as appropriate on skin or third eye.

Drusy Chrisocolla

COMBINATION STONE: Drusy Chrysocolla combines the properties of Chrysocolla with those of Quartz. This has great clarity and works extremely fast.



Sunday 23 September 2012



Saturday 22 September 2012

Thursday 20 September 2012


Rhodochrosite can be representative of compassion and selfless love. It expands consciousness and integrating the spiritual and mental energies, imparting a positive and dynamic attitude. 
This is an excellent stone for relationships and things of the heart, especially for those who feel unloved. 
It is the chosen stone par excellence for healing sexual abuse victims. 
Rhodochrosite helps the heart to assimilate painful feelings without shutting down and removes denial.

This stone is also used to clear the solar plexus and base chakras; gently releasing painful and repressed feelings, allowing them to be acknowledged and dissipated.
Rhodochrosite also helps to identify habitual patterns and shows us the purpose behind them. It helps us see the truth about ourselves and others, without evasion or excuses but with loving awareness.
This crystal improves self worth and soothes emotional stresses; it is mentally enlivening and encourages positive attitudes, enhances dream states and creativity. 

Healing: It acts as an irritant filter and relieves asthma and respiratory problems: it purifies the circulatory system and kidneys, helps with poor eyesight, aids good blood pressure and stabilizes heart beat, invigorates the sexual organs. It dilates blood vessels, helps relieve migraine. 
Used as an elixir: relives infections, improves skin and balances the thyroid.

Rhodochrosite works well with Malachite. The drawing force of Malachite will bring suppressed emotional energies to the surface so that the harmonizing and comforting action of Rhodocrosite can be put to good use.  These crystals are good together when used in crystal layouts. Use anywhere along the midline of the body between the navel and the heart chakra to clear and balance the chakras.

Rhodochrosite is especially useful when used directly over the solar plexus point (beneath the sternum) to bridge the upper and lowers triads.
When it is worn in a semi-precious state, it channels spiritual awareness into the physical body to be manifested.
Gem quality stones can be used for meditation - to focus on the soul's purpose and to gain clarification as to our life's mission. They can be held in the left hand or placed on the third eye during meditation to receive their personal message. They can be placed or held at the points over the eyebrows, temples and/or the central suture of the head to stimulate the brain, facilitating more spiritual energy to inhabit our physical body and infiltrate thought processes.

NB:Crystal are powerful allies but should be used under the guidance of a professional.

Thought for the day - ARE YOU WEALTHY?

Being wealthy isn't have pots of money. It is an attitude. Be grateful for good health, a full stomach and clean water.

Wednesday 19 September 2012


It is never too late to have a happy childhood, but the second one is up to us and no one else.



Monday 17 September 2012


Onyx is strength giving. It provides support in different or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress. Centring your energy and aligning it with a higher power, accessing higher guidance, is facilitated by Onyx as is connection with the whole. It can take you forward to view the future and, with its capacity to impact personal strengths, facilitates being master of one’s destiny. This stone promotes vigour, steadfastness, and stamina. It aids learning lessons, imparting self-confidence and helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.
Onyx is a secretive stone that assists in keeping your own counsel. However, Onyx is said to hold the memories of things that have happened to the wearer. It can be used for psychometry, telling the story to those who are sensitive to its vibrations. This property of holding physical memories makes Onyx useful in past life work for healing old injuries and physical trauma that are affecting the present life. Holding a piece of Onyx takes your attention to the site of the previous injury, which can then be released through body work or crystal therapy. It can also be used to heal old grief and 

Psychologically, Onyx recognises and integrates dualities within the self. It anchors the more flighty into a more stable way of life and generally imparts self-control. Onyx is a mental tonic that alleviates overwhelming fears and worries. Onyx conveys the invaluable gift of wise decisions.

Physically, Onyx assists in absorbing Universal energies which are required for healing and other purposes. It balances the Yin and Yang energies within the body.

Healing: Onyx is beneficial for teeth, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders, and the feet.
Position: Wear on the left side of the body. Place or hold as appropriate. Traditionally, Onyx worn around the neck was said to cool lust and support  chastity.

Saturday 15 September 2012




The tree of love
has its roots in heaven
and its branches in the earth.
from Sistema de Sanacion Natural Tinerfe


Description: Deep dark blue of a night sky with white lines and flecks which symbolise the spiritual light that comes when one has balanced the mind.
Sodalite unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, bringing information from the higher mind down to the physical level. It stimulates the Pineal Gland and the Third Eye and deepens meditation.
This stone clears electromagnetic pollution and it be used around computers to block their emanations. 
Excellent for eliminating mental confusion and intellectual bondage encouraging rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuitive perception. It calms the mind allowing new information to be received.
This is an excellent stone to carry, hold, meditate with or place on third eye area to gain intellectual understanding of ourselves or our situation.

Healing: Balances metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies, cleanses lymphatic system and organs, boosts immune system. It combats insomnia and radiation damage. It can be used to treat throat, larynx, vocal chords, and is helpful in cases of hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates absorption of fluids in the body.
Place as appropriate or wear for long periods of time.
Note: Crystals should be used with respect and caution.

Thursday 13 September 2012


Translucent Selenite has a very fine vibration and brings clarity of mind, opening the crown and higher crown chakras and accessing angelic consciousness and higher guidance. Pure Selenite is a link to the light body, helping anchor it in the earth vibration. It is excellent for meditation and spiritual work and brings calm and deep peace. It is an ancient stone, but is still one of the most powerful crystals for the new vibration on earth.
Telepathy is enhanced when it is held. It has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit a place between light and matter. Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around a house creating a safe and quiet space which guards against outside influences.
Selenite wands can be used to detach entities from the aura or for preventing anything external from influencing the mind. It can be used for scrying to see future and past events.
Psychologically Selenite assists judgement and insight. It clears mental confusion and helps us see a deeper picture bringing about a conscious understanding of what has occurred at a subconscious level. This is a powerful disperser and stabiliser for erratic emotions.
Healing: Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It guards against epileptic seizures. It neutralises mercury poisoning from dental amalgam and reverses the effects of free radicals. It is also an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and nurturing a child.

Orange-brown Selenite: Earths angelic energies - aids earth healing.

Blue Selenite: placed on the third eye quiets the intellect, facilitates shutting off mind chatter during meditation, and quickly reveals the core of the problem.

Green Selenite: Assists in working towards the highest good. Helps us to feel good about ourselves and helps to overcome the effects of aging on the skin and skeleton.

Fishtail Selenite: provides deep healing for the nerves: Extremely calming, stabilising emotions and defusing tension. This form is also called Angels Wing Selenite, as it facilitates angelic contact.

Desert Rose Selenite: helps dissolve self-imposed programs that have been running for too long, releasing the program and helping us to find an appropriate replacement. It can be used to strengthen affirmations of purpose.

This crystal is fragile and can break when in contact with strong negative emotions. It will dissolve in water – take care.

Note: Crystals are powerful allies but should only be used under guidance of a professional.


These pyramids should be used for meditation; their structure is designed for specific tasks. They are used by those who are ready to move into the inner realms of being and experience the formlessness within the form. 
Meditating on these crystals stimulates the mind to seek deeper within itself.

This pyramidal geometry is one of the highest in the physical plane and is said to represent perfection and balance. 
Its apex: represents the conscious connection with the infinite source of energy and  its base: stability and permanence in the physical plane.
The pyramid symbolizes the ultimate balance that each soul has to achieve to complete its evolutionary process.
Just as the Egyptian and Aztec pyramids were used to channel cosmos strength into the physical plane, fluorite pyramids serve a similar purpose, directing the mind toward identification and association of inner realms, the subtle planes and higher dimensions.

Conscious meditation with them brings a great improvement in the quality of day to day life, enabling us to gain a clearer perspective and better understanding of universal laws governing physical laws.

Note to consider. Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with the knowledge and under the guidance of a professional.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - love in our heart

Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learned here. The Spiritual Journey is the relinquishment or unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.

Wednesday 12 September 2012


Octahedrons are eight-sided structures, each having a perfect shape of equilateral triangles. The base of the octahedron sometimes contain pink or green shades (colours of the heart) which  give us greater understanding of our emotions.
The octahedron consists of two four-sided pyramids each sharing the same base, symbolizing achieving energy of the subtle planes and integrating them into the physical plane.
They are tools to help us achieve unity and balance between the inner and outer world, reaching and remembering our own integrity.
In gem therapy we can use them to balance the brain hemispheres and clear the mind. They can also be used to channel and ground the cosmic creative energy centres of the human body.
They can be worn as jewellery or used in the meditations.

Note: Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with knowledge and/or under the guidance of a professional.



Tuesday 11 September 2012


Azurite guides psychic and intuitive development. Its radiant deep indigo blue colour has the ability to move subconscious thoughts into the conscious mind. It motivates higher thinking by bringing deep subconscious thoughts to the surface allowing them to be examined with conscious awareness.
The purity of these crystals cleanse the mind and soul and bring light and truth replacing outdated belief systems. This deep vibrant blue crystal has the ability to move healing energy through all levels of our being: from the physical to the most subtle.
Azurite acts as a catalyst in the initiation of transformation that integrates the earth with the ethers, the physical with the spiritual. This occurs when the subconscious mind is cleansed, enabling the inner light to be infused into thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Azurite nodules or healing stones can be placed on any area of the body where a blockage or congestion is found. As the Azurite ray penetrates and moves energy, the psychic-emotional reasons for this blockage will surface into the mind. As this happens, assistance may be necessary for example: counselling or meditation to release the root of the blockage.

Azurite treats throat problems, arthritis and joint problems, aligns the spine and works at a cellular level to restore any blockage or damage to the brain.   It also heals kidney, liver and gallbladder problems, and treats the spleen, thyroid, bones, teeth and skin.   It also aids detoxification. It encourages the growth of embryos in the womb.
Position: Wear touching the skin on the right hand or place as appropriate, especially on the third eye.

NB. May cause palpitations, if so remove immediately.

Note: Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with knowledge and/or under the guidance of a professional.