
Sunday 30 September 2012


Tourmaline is one of the most beautiful stones on earth. Its popularity has grown immensely as more and more people are drawn to it. It has the ability to raise the vibration of what ever surrounds it. 
Its geometric design is one of the reasons Tourmaline possesses so much power. The long striated lines channel electrical beams of light which will immediately transform denser vibrations into positive energy currents. Tourmaline is one of the most complete stones here on earth at this time. It has the ability to reflect rays of the colour spectrum: from clear white to the deepest black. It adjusts its vibration to manifest a perfect expression of each colour.
Tourmaline can be used in any area where you want to increase the light force. It is used on alters, over temples and churches, or worn as jewelry. Tourmaline crystals can be placed between the chakras during crystal healing to bridge the energy between one chakra and the next. It is especially effective when used with Rhodochrosite and Malachite at the solar plexus to integrate the upper energy centres with the lower ones.
The highly charged electrical current which moves along Tourmalines striations increases our charisma and radiance if worn or used regularly. Tourmalines energy weaves an intricate fabric of light into the aura: threads of joy, strength, peace and compassion - all interwoven into our nature.
One of the purposes of Tourmaline is to transmit higher virtues and important laws of the universe onto the earth. It can teach us to expand and transform limiting beliefs into a much finer reality.  Tourmaline has a very specific message for us. "Align yourself with the forces of light and channel that radiance onto your world and into your life."
Tourmaline supplies us with a strong protective shield which enables us to grow from within while developing the disciplines needed to extend that light to the external world.
Tourmaline expresses inner and outer balance and freely shares this with us. It builds a bridge where the earth can merge with the heavens and subtle energy bodies can align with the physical. It creates a balance of forces by lowering the frequency of spirit and raising the frequency of denser matter: creating harmonious interbreeding of cosmic and material energies.
Tourmaline is not indigenous to earth, it has been materialised on this planet by higher life forms to assist us in the transition into the Aquarian Age. Tourmaline will build the rainbow bridge which our soul can cross and express its multidimensional forms. 
Natural Tourmaline wands are useful healing tools. They clear the aura, remove blockages, disperse negative energies and point to solutions to specific problems. At a physical level they balance the meridians. 
Tourmaline is beneficial for the garden and plants. acting as a natural pesticide, keeps pests at bay. If buried in the soils it will encourage health and growth of crops.
This crystal is a powerful mental healer, balancing left and right hemispheres of the brain and transmuting negative thoughts into positive ones. It is helpful in treating paranoia, for overcoming dyslexia and improves hand to eye coordination. It balances male-female energy within the body.
In addition to the generic properties, coloured Tourmalines have specific additional properties.... more to follow.

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