
Friday 31 August 2012

JASPER RED (Jasper part 6)

Brecciated Jasper
RED JASPER (including Brecciated Jasper) is gently stimulating. It grounds energy and rectifies unjust situations. Red Jasper brings problems to light before they become too big and provides insights into the most difficult situations. It makes an excellent 'worry bead', calming emotions. Placed under a pillow it helps dream recall. Red Jasper stimulates the Base Chakras and assists in rebirthing. it cleans and stabilizes the Aura and strengthens your boundaries. This is a stone of Health, strengthening and detoxifying Blood, Circulatory System and Liver. It dissolves blockages in the Liver or Bile Ducts. Position Base Chakra or as appropriate.

Please note: Crystals can be powerful allies but should be used with care and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Transpersonal Chakras

STAR (situated 15 cm. above the head).

 Energy is received from the Universe/God through the Crown Chakra.

NUCLEAR STAR/TAN-TIEN (situated in the Umbilical area, Body Midline).
This is where our True Self is found, the Divine Spark within us.

EARTH STAR (situated 15 cm. below the feet)

Apart from these three energy points, we have one more transpersonal Chakra, situated between the Crown Chakra and The Third Eye Chakra, called The Causal Chakra. We also have an energy centre 15cm. Above The Soul Star which is called “Stellar Gateway”.


These clusters are usually purple. They represent the mind immersed in this age of technology and computers, so are structured like a computer. Their parent is a harmonious and perfect cube.
These clusters symbolize civilizations that have managed to achieve unity and harmony, each holding an individual job in favour of collective progress.
They are best put in work areas such as offices, laboratories or research areas, as their presence reminds the mind that must stay organized, lucid and in harmony.
They can be a very significant benefit to those who lead a fast life, those using a lot of physical and mental energy. So they are ideal for scientists, physicists, chemists, engineers, programmers, managers, accountants, students etc.
Small clusters can be carried with you as they promote constant harmony, mental, visual or physical, especially when one has symptoms of fatigue, confusion or imbalance.
Meditating with these clusters, allows conscious alertness, enabling assimilation of concepts and realities that would otherwise seem inaccessible.
These clusters are highly efficient in technological advancement as they facilitate direction of the mind toward goals that benefit the planet and all living things.

Tuesday 28 August 2012


Clusters Are crystals which share a common base, but each one is different. Growing beside their companions, united by the same root, which in reality is how we all live.  These crystals strengthen one another, producing a healthy clean energy which gives vitality. They are a collection of individual crystals coexisting in peace and harmony:  representing an advanced community with unique and perfect members sharing the same soil and the same truth.
Just as a single crystal (generator) represents an individual, they represent a family, a group, a society.  In crystal therapy we use them for cleansing.  They do not need cleaning or recharging as they do it for themselves, due to their collective potential energy. They have a bright and powerful auric light.  They can be placed in areas in need of atmospheric cleansing or to generate a strong positive vibration. For example, when there has been an argument in a room, it is a good idea to place quartz crystals in the room to purify it and eliminate negative feelings and energies.
Clusters make wonderful gifts for homes where there is a lack of generosity and harmony.
All crystal clusters are authentic natural works of art, pleasant and delightful for the senses and the soul.


Rock Quartz clusters are the most appreciated and accessible.
Quartz clusters are a very special mineral and their energies are used in a multitude or ways and are used in beneficial therapies. They are suitable for purification and harmonizing environments, also effective for neutralizing harmful waves created by electrical equipment, TV, PC, musical equipment etc.
They can also be used to clean and recharge other crystals. In therapies they are used to cleanse Chakras, Organs, specific parts of the body, as well as cleansing the Aura of negative energies.
The quartz clusters are also used in exorcisms and to clean places of negative energy, as this crystal represents illuminating light.
They can provide energetic support from a distance, healing and protecting people in need, by putting their photo on the cluster.
Luxuriate in brightly lit places.
They can be placed on shelves for cleaning and harmonising the environment, in our homes, businesses, offices etc.

Citrine is one of the crystals associated with the solar plexus chakra and this chakra send energy to the stomach, so this cluster is used to clean the digestive organs and everything which relates to disorders of the stomach: whether ulcers, inflammation or pain. 
Regenerates tissues, detoxifying the physical, mental and emotional health, increasing the body’s healing energy and brings joy to the solar plexus.     


It helps to calms our minds.

Monday 27 August 2012


Third Eye                 SPIRITUAL CHAKRAS

Heart                        SPIRITUAL/PHYSICAL BOUNDRY

Solar Plexus
Sacral                      "PHYSICAL" CHAKRAS


Sunday 26 August 2012


 Carnelian has been a gem of major importance throughout the great civilizations of the world. From the royalty of Ur (the capital of Mesopotamia in pre-biblical times) to Napoleon and Tibetan Buddhists, Carnelian has been revered for its spiritual and creative healing qualities.

It is a gem of the earth, a symbol of the strength and beauty of our planet. It has grown and evolved alongside the human race for thousands of years, becoming one of the most powerful stones in history. It can help us find our personal power and how to use it in the physical world.

Carnelian is of low vibration and reflects back the depth of colour of our own physical world and is a font of energy, stimulating love and appreciation for the beauty and gifts of our earth.

One of the Sacral stones; home to our emotions, this crystal helps us to heal anger, rage, resentment etc., giving us inner peace and harmony, making us aware of our capacity for forgiveness and repentance; it also protects us from temptation.
It is good for treating creative blocks, problems with the circulatory system, reproductive and sexual organs.

It is beneficial in healing bladder, kidneys, adrenals, plus impotency and frigidity problems. Reduces menstrual and post-partum pain.

It increases fertility and conception, stimulates sexual and creative energy that moves this Chakra.
Carved Carnelian has often been use as jewellery especially in religious medallions and thanks to its energy can be worn as protective amulets.

Saturday 25 August 2012


The Egyptians considered this to be the Stone of sacred love.
It is the Stone favoured by Crystal Therapy professionals, as its vibration is that of pure love.
It is the centre Stone of the Heart Chakra and is considered to be one of the most powerful stones for emotional healing, as it helps to balance emotional energy eliminating and healing anxiety, jealousy, misunderstanding, sorrow and deepest heartache.

Helps to heal damage from past negative relationships and takes away the fear. It softens, opens and strengthens the heart to new love, helps us to express our feelings calmly and brings peace of mind and happiness.

It is the key to open our hearts to the love of God, ourselves and humanity. It is extremely beneficial to those who unfortunately have not experienced the joy of life for lack of love, for people who do not know the true essence of love and are unable to Access the inner realms of their heart.

Sometimes when a child has not received love, in adulthood he does not know how to show love, because of the emotional wounds he has stored and recorded since childhood. Rose Quartz is an ideal remedy for these circumstances as it teaches the heart to forget and programs the heart, showing us how to learn to love ourselves.

When the Soul feels the energy of Rose Quartz, it breaths a sigh of relief as it senses that it is time for healing. The divine essence of Rose Quartz energy infuses the Heart Chakra bringing comfort and strength.
It also physically strengthens the heart and circulatory system.
When placed over the Thymus Gland it will relieve lung problems.
This Stone makes a wonderful present for treasured friends.

Friday 24 August 2012



                                                                           Crown: White/Gold
                                                            Third Eye: Lilac                                                
                                                            Throat: Blue

                                                             Heart: Pink/Green

                                                             Solar Plexus: Yellow
                                                             Base: Red

Each Chakra vibrates at a certain frequency of energy that produces a particular colour. Colours are energy. The colours are the separation of light in energy frequency.
Through the Crown Chakra, Spiritual White light enters the body via the Soul Star.
Likewise Red light enters through the Base (root) Chakra via the Earth Star (Earth Energy). By the mixing of these two Energies (colours) 50/50% we get the pink in the Heart Chakra, the colour and frequency of Love.
The White light flowing down to the Sacral, mixes with the Red Base colour and gives us the Passionate Orange tone.
In the Solar Plexus, the amount of White light is greater and this Chakra vibrates with the frequency of Yellow energy, The Sun of our Life.
Mixing 50% Solar Plexus Yellow with the communicative Blue of the Throat Chakra gives us the second Heart Chakra Colour of Green (hope).
The union of Pink (Heart Chakra) and Blue (Throat Chakra) gives us the Medatative Purple of the Third Eye.

CHAKRAS: As it is above, it is below. As it is below, it is above.

Third Eye          Spiritual Chakras


Solar Plexus
Sacral                 "Physical" Chakras

In The “Tenerife Healing System” Balancing/Healing the Physical Chakras also balances/heals the directly related Spiritual Chakras.

Healing the symptoms of illness can also heal the root of the illness.
Love can be physical and spiritual

Thursday 23 August 2012

Connections between "Physical" and Spiritual Chakra

First Connection: Crown/Base

Second Connection: Third Eye/Solar Plexus

Astral Border: Heart

Third Connection: Throat/Sacral

Crown and Base are connected as they are both entrances for vital Energies to our Energetic Body.
Spiritual Energies through the Crown and Physical Energies through the base.The Third Eye is our Alter Ego, our `I am Superior´ and this is in direct relation to our Ego or `Inferior I´ in our Solar Plexus, who we are here and now. With our Solar Plexus we think about ourselves, meanwhile through the Third Eye we have thoughts of transcending all of humanity.

The third connection of Throat/Sacral, planning and action, action and growth.

The Heart Chakra unites the Physical and Spiritual Chakras with LOVE and is the boundry between the Spiritual world and Physical world.

Wednesday 22 August 2012





Each Chakra vibrates at a determined energetic frequency which produces a determined colour. Light is energy. Colours are the separation of light in energetic frequencies.

Spiritual white light enters the body through the Soul Star and Crown Chakra. Likewise telluric red light energy enters from the Earth Star. The mix of these two colours (50/50) in our Soul produces the Pink colour of our Heart Chakra/frequency of love.

White light entering the Sacral Chakra mixes with the Red from the Base Chakra to give us passionate Orange.

In the Solar Plexus there is more white light and this Chakra vibrates with a Yellow energetic frequency, the sun of our life.

Mixing 50% yellow (Solar Plexus) and Blue from the Throat Chakra gives us the second colour for the Heart Chakra – Green. Hope

The union of Pink (Heart Chakra) and Blue from Throat Chakra gives us the Lilac colour of the meditative Third Eye.


 Citrine colour can range from light gold to dark brown. Its yellow rays stimulate the activities all our physical body systems. It is similar to solar energy, comforting, penetrating, warm and invigorating.
Citrine aids in the construction of light force which surrounds and penetrates the body so that the power can be directed and used consciously.
Solar Plexus centre stone.
Citrine stimulates the mind, helping us to open the bridge between the higher mind (Third Eye) and the lower mind (Solar Plexus), and the existing relationship between them.
Citrine represents the joy of living, leans toward the humorous, feeds the spirit and aids concentration.
The energy of this crystal raises self esteem and promotes confidence in ourselves, thus reinforcing our Ego (Self-esteem), prompting us to act with courage and have power in our life, in relationships, in our business work, studies, etc., it frees us from fear, insecurity, shyness and concerns.
At a physical level it heals the pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach. It can be used to treat diabetes, colic, stomach problems and constipation.
Physically Citrine imparts energy and vigour to the physical body, being excellent for energizing and recharging in situations of chronic fatigue. People sensitive to environmental influences and other external influences should keep Citrine with them, wear it or use it for gem therapy, as its colour increases light surrounding the body, creating a protective aura. This aura strengthens the us, so we can better defend ourselves against negative vibrations and influences.

This crystal is the best to help us to fulfil our worldly duties, such as in business, teaching, and family relationships.
The objective of Citrine is to shed bright golden light onto the physical plane.

Tuesday 21 August 2012


The Hara Line is the main tube of energy running through the central line of the body.  It  unites and connects the Transpersonal Chakras. Here in the Hara Line we find our System of Major Chakras.

In this tube of light our lifes story is retained. For example close to the Coccyx – is our Birth and our Early Infancy then in the neck area, is the Future. (Records of our growth and development)

The light comes from The Soul Star entering through the Crown Chakra and passing through our physical body in a straight line "exiting" through the Hu-Yin Point, this energetic centre is situated between the genitals and the Anus, where we find the Base Chakra. This light proceeds down to the Earth Star, where Divine Light is manifested in the Earth and passes through us.

However, when we die we disconnect from The Earth Star and rise through The Hara Line (famous tunnel) where we see our life happen in chronological order. In the Crown Chakra we see the light at the end of the tunnel which is The Soul Star

Monday 20 August 2012


Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday 18 August 2012


The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the centre of the universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit), and that this centre is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this.  Black Elk

Friday 17 August 2012


"Prayer is not asking. It's a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without heart"
Mahatma Gandhi

Monday 13 August 2012


Vibrarional Frequency: Colour Red

Situated: Between the Genitals and Anus at the point called the Hu-Yin.

Sanskrit name: Muladhara

Telluric Energy enters through this Energy Centre from the Earth Star. Through this Chakra the Soul is rooted to the Physical Body and The Earth.

Primitive Survival Energies. Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Going to the Bathroom.

Sends Energy to the Whole Body. Muscles and Skeleton.

Survival: The right to exist.

Deals with tasks related to the material and physical world.

Ability to Stand Up for oneself and Security Issues.Vitality.Reality.Sexuality. Individuality. Courage.

Imbalances: Anaemia, Fatigue, Lower Back Pain, Sciatica, Depression.
Frequent Colds. Cold Hands and Cold Feet.Obesity. Constipation. Colds. Bladder infection.Leukaemia.

Illnesses of Entire Body like Fibromyalgia, Rheumatism, Arthritis.

Unbalanced: Greed, Fear of Theft, Deception, Loss.
Lack or Energy, little Desire to Live.  Excessive Materialism.

Sacral/Root Chakra Stimulants: Physical Exercise and Restful Sleeps, Gardening, Pottery, and Working with Clay.

Red Food and Drink

Red Gemstones, Red Clothing, Bathing in Red, etc.

Using Red oils such as Ylang Ylang or Sandalwood Essential Oils.