
Saturday 25 August 2012


The Egyptians considered this to be the Stone of sacred love.
It is the Stone favoured by Crystal Therapy professionals, as its vibration is that of pure love.
It is the centre Stone of the Heart Chakra and is considered to be one of the most powerful stones for emotional healing, as it helps to balance emotional energy eliminating and healing anxiety, jealousy, misunderstanding, sorrow and deepest heartache.

Helps to heal damage from past negative relationships and takes away the fear. It softens, opens and strengthens the heart to new love, helps us to express our feelings calmly and brings peace of mind and happiness.

It is the key to open our hearts to the love of God, ourselves and humanity. It is extremely beneficial to those who unfortunately have not experienced the joy of life for lack of love, for people who do not know the true essence of love and are unable to Access the inner realms of their heart.

Sometimes when a child has not received love, in adulthood he does not know how to show love, because of the emotional wounds he has stored and recorded since childhood. Rose Quartz is an ideal remedy for these circumstances as it teaches the heart to forget and programs the heart, showing us how to learn to love ourselves.

When the Soul feels the energy of Rose Quartz, it breaths a sigh of relief as it senses that it is time for healing. The divine essence of Rose Quartz energy infuses the Heart Chakra bringing comfort and strength.
It also physically strengthens the heart and circulatory system.
When placed over the Thymus Gland it will relieve lung problems.
This Stone makes a wonderful present for treasured friends.

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