
Monday 13 August 2012


Vibrarional Frequency: Colour Red

Situated: Between the Genitals and Anus at the point called the Hu-Yin.

Sanskrit name: Muladhara

Telluric Energy enters through this Energy Centre from the Earth Star. Through this Chakra the Soul is rooted to the Physical Body and The Earth.

Primitive Survival Energies. Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Going to the Bathroom.

Sends Energy to the Whole Body. Muscles and Skeleton.

Survival: The right to exist.

Deals with tasks related to the material and physical world.

Ability to Stand Up for oneself and Security Issues.Vitality.Reality.Sexuality. Individuality. Courage.

Imbalances: Anaemia, Fatigue, Lower Back Pain, Sciatica, Depression.
Frequent Colds. Cold Hands and Cold Feet.Obesity. Constipation. Colds. Bladder infection.Leukaemia.

Illnesses of Entire Body like Fibromyalgia, Rheumatism, Arthritis.

Unbalanced: Greed, Fear of Theft, Deception, Loss.
Lack or Energy, little Desire to Live.  Excessive Materialism.

Sacral/Root Chakra Stimulants: Physical Exercise and Restful Sleeps, Gardening, Pottery, and Working with Clay.

Red Food and Drink

Red Gemstones, Red Clothing, Bathing in Red, etc.

Using Red oils such as Ylang Ylang or Sandalwood Essential Oils.