
Monday 23 July 2012

Allow yourself to FEEL your feelings

When we internalise our emotions or express them excessively (anger, aggression, ire etc.) we are damaging our ability to experience unconditional love.
We need to start feeling our feelings. This is not dramatisation, exaggeration or acting out. It is just gently turning things around and focusing on what is really present.
The following is a simple technique to help maintain openness.
Try recalling something that brings you pleasure like - walking in nature, a field of spring flowers, the unconditonal love received from a pet, lying on your back basking in the sun etc.
Bring to mind how these positive actions make you FEEL. Recreate them in your mind and remember the warmth, the smells, the sounds etc.
 Let your body recall those soothing effects for a while. Notice how your body relaxes and opens. Once in that bigger space, the 'stuck' feelings/emotions can start to move. When we can step back from our problems we allow our emotions to start to flow thus moving the problems away from us. (like a twig floating on a river which may have been caught up on a meandering bend, is eventually realeased by the flow of the water).We can then again start to feel the underlying love within and around us.