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WHETHER YOU ARE JUST PASSING THROUGH OR ARE A FREQUENT VISITOR -A VERY SPECIAL WELCOME TO YOU! HAVE A GOOD LOOK AROUND - I HOPE YOU FIND SOMETHING TO HELP YOU ON YOUR PATH... YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! HEALTH, BLESSINGS AND LIGHT. The alternative treatments/therapies discussed on this blog are not intended to replace the advice of a health professional. They are shared with the understanding that each individual accepts full responsibility for his or her own well being.

Monday 7 May 2012

Protection Prayer

"God Protect me from all Negative Energies"

This Prayer can be said mentally whenever you feel necessary, for example: Before you go to bed, before you answer the phone, before you enter a situation or place, before you meet with other people, before you go on holiday, etc. Also when you feel an attack of negative energy, whether it be from inside or outside yourself.

Prayer Format:                                1. Connection with God
                                                            2. Say what you want
                                                            3. Ask for Protection