
Thursday 12 September 2013

WEIGHT LOSS AIDS - essential oils can support weight loss and weight maintenance

Research has shown that we feel full because of a special mechanism in our brain. Specifically, this satiety response is regulated by what is technically known as the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus, a portion of the brain that regulates many basic drives including emotions and libido.
One reason we stop eating is that this centre signals a ‘fullness’ or a sense of being satisfied. The nose (and inhalation process) is directly connected to the hypothalamus. An odour molecule in the air makes its way to the top of the nasal cavity which is the location of a small area known as the olfactory bulb with millions of scent receptors.
The odour molecule then moves through the mucous membrane and binds to receptor sites on the olfactory nerve. These receptors may be very specific, in that they are designed to detect particular odour molecules. The system operates by taking individual odour molecules and intensifying them in such a way that the brain can respond to them.
This part of the brain is called the limbic lobe and is the seat of our emotions. The limbic lobe activates the hypothalamus which controls our drives and instincts as well as the ability to feel full. An emotional state can also trigger a desire for food. We can also control what we feel by inhaling certain scents.
The sense of smell can help us suppress appetite and all those irrational emotional responses we have to food. Using our sense of smell consciously can give us control where our will power fails. For most people, using scents can curb cravings.
The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Institute of Chicago found that inhaling a culinary scent (basil, oregano, lemon, etc.) regularly throughout the day, especially when hungry can suppress the desire to taste and therefore eat. By inhaling an aroma throughout the day, you can inhibit the desire to eat. This study found that the more people used scent to control their appetite, the more weight they lost. The key was to vary the oils used to prevent becoming desensitized which would reduce the effectiveness of the inhaled oils.

Experiment by choosing three essential oils to use throughout the day. Put a couple drops of each one of the selected oils on the cotton wool ball or aromatherapy pendant. Hold it close to your nose when you feel you need a stronger scent. The more you use these scents, the more effective they will be. Each day change the oils you used previously with three different ones.  
Essential oils such as peppermint, bergamot, and grapefruit can have a positive impact in your efforts to lose weight when combined with a healthy (mostly raw) diet and exercise regimen.

Peppermint is a digestive aid that soothes an upset stomach and helps with digestive problems. It also provides unique weight loss benefits as well. A recent study found that inhaling peppermint can directly affect your brain's satiety centre, the ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus. This powerful essential oil makes you feel full after a meal. The result is that you can eat less and still feel satisfied. You can choose to either inhale peppermint oil before a meal or drink an infusion of peppermint tea before each meal.
Other oils that might be helpful:
Grapefruit - a natural weight loss appetite suppressant and through a process called lipolysis dissolves fat.

Bergamot - stimulates your endocrine system and produces a sense of calm and wellbeing and alleviates stress. Lavender can be combined with bergamot to enhance this calming effect.

Tangerine - A diuretic and is also used to calm the nervous system.

Orange oil - helps overcome depression and gives emotional support.

Ylang ylang - used to clarify thoughts and assist in a feeling of wellness and calm.

- used as a sedative and relaxation aid.

Essential oils are a terrific and natural way to suppress appetite and calm emotions as they relate to food and stress, and to actually dissolve fat. For safety and effectiveness, read the directions that come on the bottles of each essential oil before inhaling.
Reaching and maintaining your ideal weight is a very important step towards achieving vibrant health. 

Some Info taken from an article by Peggy Carey

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