
Thursday 9 May 2013


Today is a solar eclipse, and depending on where you live on the planet, today or tomorrow is also new moon!
It's an ideal time for manifesting!

NB: A solar eclipse can bring up old energies and patterns, wounds and shadow aspects for healing. Be kind and compassionate with yourself and allow yourself to feel and release anything that may have surfaced in recent days as part of this enlightening and transformational process.  

Now is a great time to meditate and work on "Chakra Balancing" and "Auric Healing" to clear, align and optimize your energy and integrate more love and light.
It is a favourable time for seeding and affirming both new and existing dreams. To open brighter visions and inspirations, to hold positive intentions and to write down and visualise your goals. 

Try to spend some time in meditation today to focus on and visualize your dreams.

You could also write down a list of goals and 'new moon wishes' for the month and year ahead.

The sun is the heart of our solar system and when we have an eclipse the sun can aid us in shifting energy that is heavy and un-serving. We can raise ourselves to higher levels of consciousness. It heightens our awareness and brings things to light - allowing us to move forward to brighter times. 
Great things can be initiated at eclipses and new moons, so the combination of both is ideal for birthing dreams and re-affirming existing ones, manifesting your heart's desires, and raising your energy to a new level (showing a new YOU).
Be more mindful of your thoughts, feelings and words you use as, at this time, manifestation is heightened.
Get yourself into an optimum state and manifest the bright beautiful dreams your heart desires.

How good can life get?
 Just dare to imagine! 

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