
Monday 20 May 2013

Chase your dreams with love and enthusiasm

Keep alive the hope in your dreams. 

Hope provides the strength against giving up. 
Believe in yourself. Self belief enables you to persevere. Never quit. 

Allow no one to control your happiness. Take responsibility for your reactions. 
Success is not what you have, but how you feel. 

Your feelings are your wealth. 
When things seem bad, focus on the incredible beauty around you. 
All obstacles have their season and time of


Ask and you will receive. 
Reach out. No one is an island. 
Accept love that is offered. Love is our deepest wellspring of joy. 
Chase your dreams with love and enthusiasm and allow life to meet you halfway. 

Learn from mistakes and remember your dreams. 
Only do that which increases your self-respect. 
Self-respect allows you to feel good about life. Remember to laugh and cry. Both give balance and fullness to life.

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