
Friday 12 April 2013

ROSEMARY - Rosmarinus Officinalis

The oil is extracted from the flowering tops of this evergreen shrub. It is grown commercially in England, California, the Mediterranian and China. It has been revered as a sacred plant for centuries. It has been used for magic and medicine and was also on the menus of most early civilisations. It has also been burnt to drive away infection, eaten for liver and digestive disorders, and inhaled for respiratory and nervous disorders.
The essentail oil has a fresh woody,green, minty smell. It is antiseptic, stimulating, astringent, invigorating and cleansing.
In Aromatherapy it is used for headaches, breathing problems, poor circulation, fluid retention, dandruff. It balances the mind and aids intellectual function and helps memory retention. It is ideal for students, teachers, writers etc. It boosts the immune system and is valuable in easing rheumatism and tense muscles. This aromatic oil relates to the Solar plexus chakra.

HOME USES: Massage, baths, inhalation. Great for a warming body massage and for any aches, or as a head and scalp massage for greasiness, lack of concentration or headaches. It can be added to a bath as a pick-me-up, for mental and/or physical tiredness. It can be inhaled to relieve coughs, bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

NB: Should not be used during pregnancy, or by those with epilepsy.

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