
Saturday 9 March 2013


These pyramids should be used for meditation; their structure is designed for specific tasks. They are used by those who are ready to move into the inner realms of being and experience the formlessness within the form. 
Meditating on these crystals stimulates the mind to seek deeper within itself.

This pyramidal geometry is one of the highest in the physical plane and is said to represent perfection and balance. 
Its apex: represents the conscious connection with the infinite source of energy and  its base: stability and permanence in the physical plane.
The pyramid symbolizes the ultimate balance that each soul has to achieve to complete its evolutionary process.
Just as the Egyptian and Aztec pyramids were used to channel cosmos strength into the physical plane, fluorite pyramids serve a similar purpose, directing the mind toward identification and association of inner realms, the subtle planes and higher dimensions.

Conscious meditation with them brings a great improvement in the quality of day to day life, enabling us to gain a clearer perspective and better understanding of universal laws governing physical laws.
Note to consider. Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with the knowledge and under the guidance of a professional.

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