
Sunday 31 March 2013


What is an energy vampire?  An energy vampire as someone who makes you feel worse after having spent time with  them – especially if it is on a regular basis. They may be someone who complains a lot, are self-absorbed, righteous, a victim or are narcissistic, etc. One way or another, you start to notice that they bring your energy down and have a negative or draining effect on you.  
 An Auric Healing meditation is very effective for cleansing, healing, renewing and recharging your energy field. It can also help to 'repair' your auric field, sometimes caused through the attachment of energy cords between you and another (even drugs or toxic substances and other influences). You can leak power through tears or damage to your energy field, or pick up unwanted energy from the environment.Protection Against Negativity:  Although this 'negativity' may be the influence of another, remember the more you love and accept yourself, the less you will attract negative people and situations into your life -  in your environment, at work or when out in a crowded place. OR sometimes YOU may need protecting from yourself!
When you are feeling off-centre, out of balance, disconnected, down or in a bad state, you are more likely to attract negativity, hamper success or even sabotage yourself.
You can clear and transform negative energy, raise your vibration, shift to higher states, and instill loving light filled frequencies. Chakra Balancing and Auric Healing meditations are great practical methods for clearing negativity from your field. 
Others include flower essences, sacred chants, incense which is powerfully purifying, crystals, alignment with the light, and many more. If you have been given sacred symbols you can visualize that are magically protective and energy enhancing, shrinking your aura when and where appropriate. 
 Reinforcing your auric boundaries, using protective crystals, alignment with the light technique, bubble of protection, and more!

Here are some suggestions as a starting point, that are although simple and somewhat obvious, they can often be overlooked or bypassed.
Love effortlessly raises your vibration, transforms and transmutes lower frequencies, and opens up the doors to positive states and happiness. It is the best consciousness raiser and purifier, and is the most powerful healing and protective force. Lower energies and states just cannot exist in its resonance. When you are feeling love you don't feel anger, or if you are feeling sorry for yourself, being judgemental, feeling miserable, guilty or blaming (of yourself or another).
Love just dissolves judgment, makes you 'non-stick' to outside negativity. It is the highest vibration in the Universe; it melts away all that is not good for you.

It is vital to clear limiting self-beliefs that thwart any feeling of self-love. Beliefs like "I am not good enough", "I am wrong", "I am not worthy, I’m bad", "no-one loves me", etc., all effect your feelings, thoughts and energy vibration.
Try to make time every day to think about who and what you love - the people closest to you, and others who may be more distant, the people and things that have touched your heart in some way. Also focus on feeling your love for nature, for the world, for your home and work, and everything you appreciate, love and feel grateful for in your life. Gratitude is the most wonderful catalyst for greater love.
As you focus on this love, allow the love to grow like a warm bright light in your heart, letting it expand outwards through your energy field - feel the love you have for you!. Love, care, be kind and compassionate to YOURSELF. You can use this as a brief meditation in the morning or any time during your day to focus on love and raise your energy, even if just for a few minutes. It will help to clean away lower denser frequencies.
Intention and Affirmation are immensely powerful and should not be underestimated. Your intentions direct your energy, and thus affirm your wishes to the universe. Here are some examples of affirmations/intentions you can use to help protect your energy field and maintain a higher vibration. Note: These are just suggestions and examples. Use words and statements that suit you personally to reflect your desired intention. There is no right or wrong way - it is you communicating with your Higher Self and the universe and putting your intentions into words. “I affirm that I allow only high, pure frequencies of love and light to enter and leave my space. Anything inappropriate is washed away in the light and love of the divine. I receive only that which is in appropriate for me now and for with my highest good. I am a beacon of love and light, attracting and emitting positive vibrations to all. I am open to receive love and light that the universe has for me. I allow frequencies of love, happiness and joy to permeate my being.”
Positive affirmations about love will also help here:  "I receive more and more love in my life everyday" "Love flows effortlessly and easily to me", "I deserve love", "I am loved, I am loving and lovable", "I open myself to be loved", "I love myself unconditionally" etc.
Asking for help and protection from your Higher Self, the universe, guides and or angels is also a simple, powerful way of receiving assistance in maintaining your energy field and keeping your vibrations high. Just remember, there is so much love and support available to you. All you need be is willing to receive. Asking demonstrates this willingness and opens up the door to receiving. You have free will. In asking, you are giving permission to be given help, and a request to be answered, and even if you are not aware of the assistance that follows (which can be subtle energies or synchronicities and serendipities which are divinely created for your benefit). Spiritual guides, 'unseen friends', angelic helpers and beings of light will never force their help on you. Yet they are more than willing to offer it. Ask and you shall receive. However, accepting help doesn't mean avoiding taking personal responsibility for your energy maintenance, of course. If you find yourself in a place or situation that feels energetically challenging, you can ask for help and protection from you Higher Self, or a guardian angel. You may have a particular deity you feel comfortable with that you might like to call upon depending on your path/faith/religion/belief system, or just ask for universal help in general or help from your Higher Self.

Surrounding yourself in a sphere of light as an effective bubble of protection (it can be gold, or silver, or white or violet) is also great, or any of the other technique you feel happy to use or are drawn to at that particular time.
All of the above can help you take responsibility. Responsibility brings freedom, empowerment and change. All that you take responsibility for, you can change. You can release bad energy patterns, raise your vibration and repair your energy field. 

Saturday 30 March 2013


“Life is beautiful.
Our problem is we don’t take time to
look or listen close enough to notice &
simply BE grateful.”
– Sidney Mohede

Friday 29 March 2013

We all make mistakes

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
Be afraid of not learning from them.
– Nicky Gumbel

Thursday 28 March 2013


The Five Reiki Principles
By Dr Mikao Usui

1.      Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world creates serious blockages in one’s energy. It is the most complex inner enemy.
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over years, but it cannot remove the residue of current anger which occurs daily.

Letting go of anger brings Peace into the Mind.

2.      Just for today, I will not worry.
While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future ones. Although worry is not always a negative phenomina, endless worries may fill one’s head and each one bores a small hole in one’s body and soul. While anger requires a focused Reiki treatment to remove obstacles, worry requires the energy to be spread throughout the entire body.

Letting go of worry brings Healing to the Body.

3.      Just for today, I will be grateful.
Be grateful from your heart. Inner intention is the important element in this principle. Simple things such as saying thanks, showing forgiveness, smiling, using kind words, showing gratitude etc. can improve others lives and makes them feel happy.

Being thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.

4.      Just for today, I will work honestly.
Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others. Earn a respectable living, live a life of honour.

Working with Honesty brings Abundance into the Soul.

5.      Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
Honour your parents, honour your teachers, honour your elders.

Being Kind brings Love into the Soul.

Chosen from and system of Reiki by Dr Mikao Usui from about two thousand rules of conduct the introduction followed by Japonese Emporers.

‘Spritual Medicine’ if you “take it” heals 85% of all diseases.

A practical philosophy, concise, simple and concrete but none the less effective. The ‘things of God’ are simple for everyone.

85% of the Reiki Healing System is based on following these principles. Healing with Healing Energies (laying on of hands, distance healing etc.) comprise only 15% of the Japonese Reiki Healing System.


Wednesday 27 March 2013


Jeremy Taylor

Tuesday 26 March 2013

REIKI - from the Usui Memorial

"Work on your heart and do things from the quiet space inside of you.
 Anyone can access Reiki, because it begins within yourself." 
(The Usui Memorial)

Faith v fear

Our faith and fears can only live and
grow if we feed them…
Be aware of which one YOU feed.
– Jay Haizlip

Monday 25 March 2013


Purple to Lavender

Transparent, pointed crystals. May be in the form of geode, cluster, or single point

This is an extremely powerful and protective stone with high spiritual vibration. It guards against psychic attack changing the energy into love. Amethyst has a calming effect, and blocks geopathic stress and negative environment energies. Its serenely enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. Amethyst has healing and cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness.  It can help overcome addictions and blockages of all kinds. Used at a higher level, Amethyst opens another reality.

 Amethyst is extremely beneficial to the mind, calming and stimulating as needed. When you meditate, it turns thoughts away from the 'day to day' and promotes tranquillity and deeper understanding. Mentally it helps you feel more focused and in control of your faculties. It enhances the assimilation of new ideas and connects cause with effect.
This stone helps in decision making, bringing in common sense and spiritual insights and putting decisions and insights into practice. Mentally it calms and aids the transmission of neural signals through the brain. It is also helpful when insomnia is caused by an overactive mind and protects against recurrent nightmares. Amethyst enhances memory and improves motivation, enhancing the ability to set realistic goals. It can help you to remember and understand dreams and facilitates the visualization process.
Amethyst balances out highs and lows, promoting emotional centering. It dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates and sadness, aiding the 'coming to terms' with loss.
Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine, encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom. It opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts. This is an excellent stone for meditation and scrying and can be placed on the third eye to stimulate it. Sleeping with Amethyst facilitates out-of-body experiences and brings intuitive dreams. It elevates “lower” energies to the higher frequencies of the spiritual and etheric realms.

HEALING Amethyst boosts the production of hormones and tunes the Endocrine System and Metabolism- It strengthens the cleanses the Eliminating Organs and the Immune System. An excellent cleanser for the Blood, Lymph and Pancreas. Amethyst relieves Physical, Emotional and Psychological pain or stress. It eases headaches and releases tension. This stone reduces bruising, injuries and swellings and also treats hearing disorders. It helps to heal disease of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and dis-eases of the digestive tract - regulating flora, removing parasites and encouraging re-absorption of water. 
At a subtle level, Amethyst balances and connects the physical, mental and emotional bodies, linking them to the spiritual. It cleanses the Aura and transmutes negative energy, and stimulates the Throat and Crown Chakras. It is helpful for people about to make the transition through death.
Amethyst can stabilize psychiatric conditions but should never be used in cases of paranoia or schizophrenia.

Wear or place as appropriate. Clusters and Geodes can be placed in the environment and single points are used in healing. Place the point in toward you to draw in energy. Amethyst is especially beneficial worn over the throat or heart. For insomnia or nightmares, place under the pillowNote:Amethyst fades in sunlight.

In addition to their generic properties, the following colours and forms have additional properties.

VIOLET-LAVENDER AMETHYST has a particularly high vibration. Double-terminated lilac crystals take you into beta brain waves. They also stimulate and then calm the Throat and Heart Chakras. These beautiful violet stones bring light and love into the environment.


Is one of the best Third-Eye stimulators. It enhances inner, intuitive vision and outer, physical vision, and out-of-body journeys. It has powerful focused energy that dissipates and repels negativity. This stone cleanses the Aura and aids in Auric diagnosis. It has a strong healing field, bringing harmony to the organs of the body and stimulating the Immune System. It helps you find and implement a positive answer to any problem.


Pineapple Amethyst has small nodules covering the sides above which emerge the termination points. Looking like a turret on a fairy-tale castle. It stimulates the imagination. It is a powerful archetypal healer for family and collective myths.
Please note: Crystals can be powerful allies but should be used with care and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.


The good news is you are not alone in this. Many light workers, healers and sensitives are feeling the need to take some time out for themselves - to meditate more and work within. This feeling is due to our bodies needing to continually integrate with ever increasing frequencies coming to the planet.

Consequently it is not a good time to struggle to get things done. Any new projects will just have to wait until you are rebalanced to a higher frequency and your work will then naturally evolve to a higher level.
 Forcing or pushing yourself right now is likely to get you nowhere.
Surrender the struggle and instead take time out for yourself - practice BEING rather than DOING.
As we honour our feelings, treat ourselves with love and focus on our inner work, the processing of higher energies becomes much easier.
Love and light to all

Sunday 24 March 2013

Be aware

Become alert and aware of what passes
through your mind

You can

Decide to do all the things you can do
instead of complaining about what you can’t!
– DaRhonda Williams

Saturday 23 March 2013


“Do more than belong, participate.
Do more than care, help.
Do more than believe, practice.”
– William Arthur Ward

Friday 22 March 2013


The good news is you are not alone in this. Many light workers, healers and sensitives are feeling the need to take some time out for themselves - to meditate more and work within. This feeling is due to our bodies needing to continually integrate with ever increasing frequencies coming to the planet.

Consequently it is not a good time to struggle to get things done. Any new projects will just have to wait until you are rebalanced to a higher frequency and your work will then naturally evolve to a higher level.
 Forcing or pushing yourself right now is likely to get you nowhere.
Surrender the struggle and instead take time out for yourself - practice BEING rather than DOING.
As we honour our feelings, treat ourselves with love and focus on our inner work, the processing of higher energies becomes much easier.
Love and light to all

Thursday 21 March 2013

Keep your head

Don’t let your emotions
make your decisions
Joyce Meyer

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Help a child

“A man never stands as tall as when
he kneels to help a child.”
– Knights of Pythagoras

Tuesday 19 March 2013

You can win

“You may have to fight a battle
more than once to win it.”
– Margaret Thatcher

Monday 18 March 2013


Those with whom we assemble, we soon resemble!
This simple old saying hides a deep Truth that can enlighten and empower every aspect of our lives:
Who we are — our very essence — is continually being transformed by the company we keep.
Stated differently, when we keep the company of what is light and bright, our lives get lighter and brighter. And when we keep the company of what is dark and discouraging, our lives can’t help but be dragged downward.
This idea might sound a little simplistic at first, but its power soon becomes evident when we put it to use in the quest to realize our highest aspirations. The key lies in understanding that this principle is active on multiple levels at once. For instance, when referring to “the company we keep,” we of course mean the people we spend time with every day — family, friends, co-workers, etc. However, on a deeper and more important level, “company” can also refer to the thoughts and feelings moving within us in any given moment.
Have you ever been home alone in a fine mood, enjoying a meal perhaps, only to find yourself bored or depressed an hour later? That’s a perfect example of the effect of hanging out with the wrong interior friends. When we are unconscious to the operation of our minds, any indigent thought or feeling that passes through us has the power to strike up a conversation and drag us into its dark circle of influence.
But just as it’s possible for us to keep bad interior company that pulls us down, so is it possible to keep positive inner company that works to raise us up in any moment we choose to remember it. This not only means that we can choose not to get dragged down when we are alone, but it also means that we can choose not to get dragged down when we find ourselves in the presence of negative people as well.
How encouraging! When life places us in a situation where a run-in with someone is inevitable — perhaps at work, with a family member, in a store, etc. — we can choose to keep the company of good and true interior friends who can help keep us from falling into negative states. And therein lies the key: when we remember that keeping the company of negative interior friends is a choice, instead of an obligation, we are free to keep the company of compassion instead of anger, generosity instead of greed, and patience instead anxiety.
Building on this idea, let’s look at four common types of people that can be identified by the four prevailing dark states that inhabit them. By learning to recognize and understand the interior workings of these four types of “toxic people,” we gain important insight into what is dark and limiting inside of us. In this way, we begin the process of liberation from everything inside of us that stands in the way of knowing the peace, happiness, success, and love that we long for.
1 Muckrakers: These negative sprits live to drag up old painful events and then revel in the anger, resentment, or bitterness that such unhappy memories hold. Stay away from any spirit, in others or in yourself, that wants you to dive into some suffering over what happened in any past moment.
2 Mud Slingers: These malicious spirits pull themselves up by pulling others down. They love to gossip, criticize, judge, and denigrate anyone who ever had the misfortune of spending time with them. The only loyalty these denizens of the unconscious worlds have is to their own pain, which they feed by involving everyone they can in their mud slinging.
3 Swamp Dwellers: There is a group of mired spirits that thrive on low vibrations, and that require a human instrument to play out their endless dark dissonance. Easily recognizable, these misfortunate forces serve up dreadful mental pictures of past and future events for the sake of the unnatural reactions they produce. Ignore these corrupted spirits and they must take their evil speculations elsewhere.
4 Life Haters: These dark spirits perpetuate their hold on the human soul by resisting the beautiful gifts of life. They trick us into commiserating with their complaining, cruelty, and irritation because without our unconscious consent, these chronically conflicted spirits can’t spread their poison.
Just as harmful viruses require a human host to exist and thrive, so do negative states require the unconscious consent of human beings to carry out their dark mission. For what power does a negative thought have other than the power to convince a person to do its bidding? The answer is none! When we begin to consciously withdraw our consent to associate  ith toxic people, and the toxic thoughts and feelings inside of us, we leave them with no place to thrive. Our real inner work is to sweep clean the places in ourselves where such creatures reside which in turn brightens our life and the lives of everyone around us.
Begin today, this very moment, to withdraw any permission you have unknowingly granted these dark spirits to be in your life. Do not judge yourself, or those around you in whom these misdirected forces are active, but instead come awake and refuse to spend one more moment of your life lending your precious life force to their dark purposes.
This powerful, positive action will change your life. As you begin to refuse to consort with what is dark, you’ll find that you begin to attract with what is light, bright, and cheerful. Your relationships will deepen, your professional life will take on new vigor and freshness, and the whole of your days will begin to resemble the radiant Life that you have deliberately chosen as your conscious companion.
Guy Finley is the best-selling author of more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization. He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in southern Oregon .Copyright Life of Learning. All Rights Reserved.
Permission granted to reprint with author credit.

I'm a tiger

What matters the most is
how you see yourself.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Be grateful for what you have...

Try feeling grateful, appreciate all that you have. This simple act will attract more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.

Saturday 16 March 2013

There is no way to Happiness.
Happiness is the way.

Friday 15 March 2013


C S Lewis

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Monday 11 March 2013





Sunday 10 March 2013


In the depths of my being, there is an infinite well of Gratitude. 
I fill my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness and my whole being with this Gratitude, which radiates from me in all directions, reaching everything in my world and returning to me in many ways and giving me more things to be grateful for.

The more gratitude I feel, the more aware I am that the supply is infinite.

Expressing Gratitude makes me feel good.

I'm thankful for me and my body. I appreciate my ability to see, hear, feel, taste and touch.

I am thankful for my house and lovingly care for it.

I give thanks for my family and friends and enjoy their company.

I appreciate my work and always give my best.

I appreciate my talents and abilities and am grateful I can express them in a way that satisfies me.

I give thanks for my income and I know that wherever I go I will prosper.

I thank my past experiences, because they are part of the growth of my soul.

I am thankful for all of nature and respect all living things.

I give thanks for today and all the tomorrows to come.

I feel Gratitude for Life now and forever.

"Start your day with this beautiful prayer; it opens the energies to manifest a Wonderful day"

Saturday 9 March 2013


These pyramids should be used for meditation; their structure is designed for specific tasks. They are used by those who are ready to move into the inner realms of being and experience the formlessness within the form. 
Meditating on these crystals stimulates the mind to seek deeper within itself.

This pyramidal geometry is one of the highest in the physical plane and is said to represent perfection and balance. 
Its apex: represents the conscious connection with the infinite source of energy and  its base: stability and permanence in the physical plane.
The pyramid symbolizes the ultimate balance that each soul has to achieve to complete its evolutionary process.
Just as the Egyptian and Aztec pyramids were used to channel cosmos strength into the physical plane, fluorite pyramids serve a similar purpose, directing the mind toward identification and association of inner realms, the subtle planes and higher dimensions.

Conscious meditation with them brings a great improvement in the quality of day to day life, enabling us to gain a clearer perspective and better understanding of universal laws governing physical laws.
Note to consider. Crystals are powerful tools, provided they are used with the knowledge and under the guidance of a professional.

Friday 8 March 2013


Purple Jasper (tumbled)
Purple Jasper (raw)

PURPLE JASPER stimulates the Crown Chakra. It eliminates contradictions. Position Crown.
Please note: Crystals can be powerful allies but should be used with care and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.