
Tuesday 19 February 2013

ROSE - Rosa Damascenea, Rosa Centifolia

The oil is extracted from freshly picked petals. They are cultivated mainly in France, Morocco, Bulgaria, China and India. 
Rose was loved by the gods, written about by poets, given to  loved ones. The Romas said that rosewater banished hangovers and its sensual smell helped orgies continue all night!
The scent of the essential oil is as sweet as the flower. It has an instant uplifting, positive effect.

In aromatherapy it is used for melancholia, depression, stress, female problems, infertility, headaches, insomnia. It is excellent for the skin, particularly wrinkles, puffiness, broken veins and dryness.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation. It is an excellent room scent as it gives a feeling of happiness and pleasure as well as being romantic.
It can be used as a facial or full boy massage. Add 10 drops to a baths for relieve a headache or hangover, or to buck you up after a difficult day.

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