
Thursday 14 February 2013

ORANGE - Citrus Sinensis

This oil is eaxtracted from the peel of fresh fruit from the sweet orange tree. This tree grows woldwide, but oil is mainly produced in Italy, France, Spain, California, Florida, Israel and Brazil.

Oranges are widely used in Chinese medicine. The Romans drank orange flower water after orgies to reduce their hangovers. It has been  used for many years to boost the immune system and fight colds.

The essencial oil is 90% limonese, which is why it refreshes and stimulates whilst leaving you relaxed. It is also a good skin rejuvenator.Good when used for inflammed or greasy skin.

In aromatherpy it is excellent for calming children, or anyone who is feeling lethergic or over tired. It can be used for sun exposed skin, wrinkles or sallow, dull complexion. It helps us with creativity, relieves depression, eases stress and nervousness.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation, poultice, compress.It is a wonderful relaxing massage after a hard day, or for a facial massage. It makes a great body moisturiser, and if added to a bath it will calm fractious children.

NB. Use in moderatio as it can irritate skin especially if exposed to sunshine after application. 
Store in a cool dark place.

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