
Monday 11 February 2013

MIMOSA - Acacia Dealbata

The oil is extracted from these beautiful bright flowers which grow at the ends of the twigs. It is native to Australia but is now grown in Europe and is cultivated in France and Italy.

For centuries the Australian Aboriginies have used this to treat tummy upsets, diarrhoea, cuts and infected wounds. Today, the bark of the tree, which is rich in tannins, is used in the leather industry.

The essential oil is sweet, honey like, green, floral smelling. It is relaxing, soothing, calming, antiseptic and astringent.

In aromatherapy it is useful for general skincare and invaluable for its cheering effects to treat depression, melancholy, emotional upsets, over-sensitivity or any type of nervous tension.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation.
Added to a warm bath, it is an uplifting soak wich soothes the spirits as well as your skin!
It makes a lovely scalp, neck and face massage.
A few drops added to a bowl of hot water placed on a radiator will put everyone in a great mood!

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