
Saturday 23 February 2013

Meditation - making the most of it

  • The first piece of advice I have to give is to make sure you find a quiet, secluded place to create an environment for success. 
  • Make sure you are comfortable. A good idea is to sit in a chair which needs to be the right height. Sitting @ the front of the chair will put your hips slightly higher than your knees. Your feet should be firmly on the floor. However, if you prefer to lie down, sit crossed legged, that's okay too - just be comfortable.
  • Decide on a time which suits your daily routine. If necessary set yourself a reminder on your phone or other device. I always enjoy my  meditation either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. However, the most important thing is that it is a time that suits YOU.
  • Another good idea is to keep notes.  This is a useful tool which will allow you to look back and see the positive shifts you have experienced, remind you of the work you have already done and  substantiate your daily practice.
Above all - enjoy it. You'll find out for yourself how invaluable it is.

Love and Light


Yey my 500th post!

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