
Sunday 10 February 2013

MARJORAM - Origanum Majorana

The oil is extracted from the dried flowering heads of this shrub. Although it originated in Asia It is now grown all over Europe and is cultivated for oil in Tunisia, Germany, Morocco, Hugary and Egypt.

Marjoram was sacred in India and Egypt. Whilst in Greece it was a symbol of enduring love. All ancient cultures used it for digestive, nervous and respiratory problems.

The oil has a peppery-spicy, camphor and thyme smell. It is relaxing and soothing, warming and fortifying.

In aromatherapy it is very useful for headaches, menstrual problems, panic attacks, anguish, problems of the heart, loneliness, tummy aches, insomnia, tension, bruises, aches and pains, strains, chilblains, lumbago, bronchitis or coughs and colds.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation.
A few drops in a hot bath will boost circulation and lift the spirits, as well as soothing muscular aches and pains.
As a massage, it is particularly good for a stiff neck, headache, migraine, aching joints, muscular pain or after excessive exercise.
It can be inhaled in steam to relieve a chesty cough or congestion.
NB: Do not use during pregnancy.

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