
Friday 8 February 2013

MANDARIN - Citrus Reticulata

The oil is extracted from the peel of ripe fruit. The trees are native to southern China and the Far East but are now grown for oil in Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Florida and the West Indies.

Mandarins were named so because, for centuries, the fruit was traditionally given to the Mandarin Lords of China. The fruit did not reach Europe until around 1880.
It is now mainly used to flavour drinks and food, and as a fragrance in perfumes and toiletries.

The essential oil has  a sweet lemon and orange smell, and is a sedative, digestive aid and has a calming effect.
In aromatherapy it is used for stretch marks, scars, fluid retention, tummy ache. Also for stress, irritability, insomnia, restlessness and nervous tension - helping us to mentally relax.

USE AT HOME:Massage, baths, inhalation. It is a great slimming massage for buttocks, hips and thighs and also reduces stretch marks.
A few drops in a hot bath will give deep relaxation and feeling of being uplifted. 
A few drops on a tissue can be inhaled whenever one is feeling tense or tired.

NB: Use in moderation as it can irritate the skin especially if exposed to sunlight after application. Always store in a cool dark place.

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