
Monday 4 February 2013

LEMON Citrus Limon

This oil is extracted from the fresh rind of the fruit. It is grown commercially in Florida, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Israel and California. 
Lemon was used by the ancient Romans to relieve stomach upsets and to sweeten their breath. For many years the British Navy used it to prevent Scurvy. The essential oil has a tangy fresh citrus smell. It is stimulating both mentally and physically, invigorating, astringent, deodorising, diuretic, and antiseptic. 
In aromatherapy it is useful for clearing the head, whether you have a cold or are suffereing from mental exhaustion. It will energise an aching body, boost circulation, treat cellulite, warm hands and feet.

USE AT HOME: Massage, baths, inhalation, poultice.
A few drops in a hot bath will boost circulation. Inhale from a tissue to relieve tiredness or to relieve the symptoms of a cold. Used on a cloth it makes a wonderful cleaner around the house/sickroom for disinfecting and deodorising.
NB. Use this oil in moderation as it can irritate the skin. Do not expose skin to sunlight after application.
Store in a cool dark place.

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