
Saturday 2 February 2013

LAVENDER Lavendula Augustifolia

This oil is extracted from the flowering tips of this shrub.
It is cultivated in Britain, Australia and southern European countries.
Traditionaly Lavender has long been a bathtime favourite, and the ancient Romans used it to speed healing.
Since the 18th sentury it has been used in soap, perfumes, pot-pourri and talcum powder.

This is one of the most commonly used essential oils. It's both relaxing and stimulating, a powerful healing antiseptic. It is calming, refreshing, invigorating and it lifts the spirits. 

In aromatherapy it is excellent for tension, tiredness, depression, skin  problems such as acne, athletes foot, burns, dermatitis, insect bites, itching, oily skin, scars, sores and stretch marks.
 It is also good for cuts and bruises, chicken pox, allergies, anxiety, asthma, cystitis, dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, headache,
hypertension, labour pains, migraine, rheumatism, scabies, sprains and strains, stress, vertigo or whooping cough.  
It is gentle and therefore can be applied undiluted to burnt skin or insect bites and is safe to use during pregnancy.

USES AT HOME: Massage, bath, inhalation, poultice, compress.
  • Add a few drops to a hot bath to make you feel pleasantly drowsy and to relieve anxiety.
  • Added to a cool bath it will refresh and energize. 
  • Adding a few drops to a tissue and inhaling, will clear your head and lift your spirits.
  • As a massage it is great for relieving tense muscles and mental fatigue.  
  • Balances the Base Chakra.

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