
Monday 28 January 2013


It is best to do this exercise with a crystal you already know and feel comfortable with.
1. Sit comfortably holding the crystal in both hands, relax and focus on it.
2. Slowly allow your awareness to float down into the crystal and come to rest there.
3. Think about how the crystal feels: cool and dry, warm and damp, rough or smooth? Take some time to explore its inner energies.
4. Relax once more and attune yourself to the crystals inner vibration or sound - is it a pulse, a tone or a tune, high or low, simple or complex? Listen for a few minutes, then relax again.
5. Take a few slow deep breaths and then imagine you are breathing in the energy of the crystal. Does it have a taste or smell?
6. Hold the crystal near your solar plexus and imagine your breath is entering your body through the crystal.
7. Relax again, and open your inner eyes to imagine the lattice structure of the crystal, its inner landscape and light. Don't try to analyse anything you see - just let it come and go.
8. Now start to become aware again of the crystals taste, smell, sounds and touch. Gradually bring your awareness out of the crystal and back into your own body. 
9. Grounding as necessary.
It is a good idea to make a few short notes so that you will be able to remember the experience again later.

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