
Wednesday 30 January 2013

LAUREL Lauarus Nobilis

The oil is extracted from the leaves of this tree. It is cultivated in France, Italy, Greece and the Bulkan countries.
The ancient Greeks believed that laurel was protected by the gods:their mythology states that the maiden Daphne was turned into a laurel tree to escape from Apollo.
 The Romans also prized it: Caesar wore a laurel crown after victorious battles.
Over the centuries it has been use as a culinary herb and a powerful cure-all.
It has a strong medicinal smell with a warm and spicy twist. 
It is relaxing, warming, antiseptic and is a great immune system booster.

Used in aromatherapy for aches and pains, period cramps and fluid retention. It is also good for those who find they constantly catch colds and flu as it will increase resistance.

USES AT HOME: Inhalation, poultices.
 It can be used  on a saucer over a radiator in bedroom to dispel viral infections. It can also be inhaled in  steam by bending over a basin of hot water.
It is a useful massage to relieve fluid retention, PMT, aches or any chest problems.
WARNING: Use in moderation and well diluted as it can irritate sensitive skin.
Do NOT use during pregnancy. 

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