
Wednesday 30 January 2013

JUNIPER - Juniperus communis

This oil is extracted from the fresh berries and needles of the evergreen Juniper tree. It is native to northern Europe and is also grown commercially in France, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain and Canada.
Juniper berries were used by ancient Greeks and Egyptians to ward off infection. In the UK it was burnt to scare off demons or witches. Today the berries are most commonly used to flavour gin!
The essential oil aroma is like pine but with a peppery tone.
 It is diuretic, antiseptic, uplifting but relaxing and is excellent for aches and pains.

In aromatherapy it can be used for stress, fluid retention, menstrual problems, cramps, sluggish circulation and cellulite. It also tones up greasy skin and helps with Acne.

USES AT HOME: Massages, baths, inhalation, poultices, compresses.Diluted with a suitable carrier oil it makes a wonderfully relieving massage for aching joints and muscles, rheumatism and PMT/menstrual problems.
By adding 3-4 drops to a bath you can have a delightfully relaxing soak which will lift your spirits.
In the sick room it is an efficient germ killer when used in a burner.
NB: Never use during pregnancy as it can trigger labour.

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