
Wednesday 2 January 2013



What a year 2012 has been - it is hard to believe 2013 is already upon us!
I want to thank you all for visiting this blog throughout the year. I will continue to add things I hope will find interesting. Meanwhile, I feel so blessed to be part of your life, even if it is only a tiny part.
I would also like to say thank you for doing all that you have done to make this world a better place. (you will have done more than you realise!) 

I feel this coming year is going to be a time not only of great healing, but success and empowerment for all of us. It's time for us to take back the power of healing, which is our birthright. 
I want us all to be working harder to get the message out to the world, so that our suffering brothers and sisters on this planet can also have the opportunity to heal, as we have had.  I truly believe  that happiness and health is for everyone. We are all human and we all have emotions, no matter what our race, colour or creed! My New Years resolution is to help the world to heal, in any way that I can. I  invite you to do the same. 

Helping another person to heal creates so much happiness, both for you and for the person you helped to heal. Can we all do more of that this year and make use of and share the information and the personal power we all have? Together, we can do anything. So let's make 2013 the year we create and bring more light into the world! 

No matter where you are or what your situation is or even what your New Years Resolutions are: You are powerful. Believe in yourself. 

Have a fun-filled, safe and happy New Year's holiday! 

Peace, Love and Light


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