
Wednesday 23 January 2013


Fennel has been used for centuries  in China, India and Greece, and was also used in ancient Egypt to bring long life , courage, power and strength.
Traditionally it was used for eye infections, digestive problems, and is an aid to nursing mothers for increasing milk flow.
The essential oil has a sweet anise/peppery smell. It is a good digestive tonic, diuretic, antiseptic. It is a common ingredient of babies gripe water.

ACTIONS: Used in aromatherapy it is great for relieving tummy ache, fluid retention, menstrual cramps, PMT, and fatigue - particularly if it is due to physical overactivity.

USE AT HOME: Massage, Inhalation, Baths, Poultices, Compresses.
A few drops in a bath will energise.
It can be added to a tissue and inhaled for an instant pick-me-up.
Diluted with a carrier oil, it can be used as a warm compress for tummy problems and digestive complaints.

NB. Should not be used by people with Epilepsy or during pregnancy.

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