
Monday 7 January 2013


PROPERTIES ~ Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antidepressant, Deodorant, Diuretic, Insecticide, Stimulant, Parasiticide, Sedative, Tonic, Balances energy.

EFFECTS psycho - emotional - Clarifies and encourages the mind, relieving depression. - Allows silence clearly visualize and conflicts

Personal: Recovers lost energy, reviving the spirit. Relieves chronic state of nervousness.  

Promotes awareness to new levels of consciousness. Balances and harmonizes the chakras, helping to restore health.

Purifies emotions and body, removing negative energies.

PHYSICAL EFFECTS - Tones and stimulates the body.  Aids recovery during convalescence in cases of respiratory, digestive and genito-urinary problems. 

Balances and harmonizes the nervous system and cardiovascular and circulatory systems.  

Clears the mind, relieving migraines, headaches, neuralgia.

Refreshes, Reduces heat and deodorises sweaty and/or tired feet. 

Combat aches and pains of rheumatic and metabolic status. Can be used as compress and poultice.

As an antiseptic - useful against germs, used as an air freshener in the room of a patient.  
Repels insects, also useful for removing fleas from pets. 
Applying diluted oil to mosquito or other bites, will stop the itching and act as an antiseptic.

Avoid use in case of heart disease, as when inhaled can speed the heart rate .
Avoid during pregnancy.

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