
Friday 21 December 2012


An essential oil moisturiser is the best treatment available. To apply essential oils for maximum benefit you need to dilute them with a carrier oil, not just to stop them from being too strong, but also so that they spread evenly, evaporate slowly and are held on the skin while they are absorbed. The carrier oil as much as the aromatic ones you add makes them such good moisturisers.
All moisturising creams work by sealing the suface of the skin to trap the natural water inside the tissues and to stop it evaporating out into the air. As it is the oil and not water that gives the moisturising effect, the more oil in the moisturiser the better. This is particularly so with body moisturisers.
Legs and arms have few sebaceous glands (oil producing pores that help keep skin naturally soft) and this is why you often get rough, dry patches on feet, knees and elbows. However, the upper back area has so many sebaceous glands that they often block causing spots and greasiness.

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